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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora
Unexpected Help
JP with Winteroak and Cindy
Islana gave a nod to his response. As for the food, "No, but thank you for the offer."
She held up her small game catch, "I need to get back and cook these. "
Maybe, a question was worth a try. "We have been studying the different types of plants and mushrooms to forage in the area. There is one type of mushroom we heard might grow up here but haven't seen it. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that topic, would you?"
"You shouldn't be walking around the mountain on your own." He said. "You know the Odonine don't care much for outsiders right?" He continued to probe but his axe hand dropped slightly although he found it strange she was here studying plants.
"What type of mushroom are you after?" He asked curious
"I've been warned about the Odonine but thank you for letting me know." Politely said, after all it was nice that he had warned her. "Sad Cap Mushrooms."
With limited time it didn't hurt to try anything, even asking a stranger to find what was needed.
The man nodded clearly not convinced and still on edge somewhat. "They grow in caves. In the dark. But not very common around here." He said. "Why you need that for? Someone hurt?" He asked.
Islana couldn't decide what to tell this man as she didn't know what the mushroom was used for besides the antidote.
"I've heard it's a good thing to have on hand in case of a venomous spider bite. If we know where some can be found it might be of use."
That was a non answer, but what could she say really without giving away more than she thought was safe to say.
The man nodded. "Not many spiders in these mountains as far as I know but I haven't been here long..." Her reticence kept him on guard. He stepped forward closer to his interlocutor. "Maybe you and your friend should join me..." He offered gauging her reaction.
It was almost automatic that when the man stepped forward Islana stepped back. It was clearly a sign of fear more than anything. Her left arm hung by her side and she made no effort to move it. If it weren't for the long sleeves she had on her injuries would have been more apparent.
"We wouldn't want to be any trouble to you."
Hunter was doing better but not enough for this and what explanation could she give for only having one horse and limited supplies.
Maybe, it had been a mistake to talk to him but it wasn't like Islana could change her mind now.
The man stopped when he saw the woman pulling away. "No trouble." He said, shrugged. "I could use the company…"
The huntress took a breath, "Are you offering to help us?"
The conversation had gotten that far, they were desperate and there was no legitimate way to have this man see Hunter and not know something was wrong.
"If you need help, yes..." He replied.
"We need help."
Time to take a leap of faith.
"We ran into some trouble a few days ago. We were both injured but my friend has been poisoned. Spider venom. We've been searching for the ingredients for the antidote but have only been able to find one. My friend isn't in good shape, I don't want to make him move away from the camp. He has been eating charcoal so the poison has been somewhat neutralized but its not enough."
The young woman didn't think to say her own injuries as Hunter was the priority.
"Charcoal?" He asked surprised. "He must be desperate. That is not good in the long run.". He sighed. "Bring your friend over. We will be safer together. I will help if I can with the rest of the ingredients." He offered but didn't push. It was for her to decide if she wanted to take the help offered.
"Thank you." Islana hoped she could get Hunter to agree.
A feeling of hopefulness came over her. She started to leave but then stopped, "I didn't get your name."
"Name's Stran." He said with a smile on his lips.