Characters in this post

View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Islana Annora
A Break in The Helping
JP with Redsword, Zeeke, Winteroak and Cindy
Wolf dismounted his horse looking at the trail "This will slow us down." He commented.
Wolf did not have to tell them how they should keep going on this trail, single file and slow. Looking up he could just hope they were not ambushed out here.
Wim walked with his horse and followed the group. He held the reins in his left hand to keep his right hand free in case he needed a weapon. At times he turned to look back to see if there were people coming up to trap them.
With the boy leading the way, they keep pushing up the trail up the hill. Soon the path is nothing more than something used by mountain goats. As they do along with their mounts rocks slide down the cliff face in large quantities.
An hour or so into the ascent they reach a small ledge with green grass, where trickling water slowly pools into abasin no bigger than a small bucket. The boy immediately goes to drink some.
They can all tell that that path that leads upwards is too narrow to continue on with their horses. It is late afternoon and they need to decide to camp.
Islana looked where the path led, into areas too narrow for the horses. 'Now what should they do?'
There was no telling how much further they would have to go to find the place the boy was leading them too. How much harder would the path become?
Her gaze went to the young boy as he drank from the pools. Clearly he knew the water was safe. Right? Maybe, that meant they were close? Wishful thinking, really.
What to do next? Islana was still determined to help but leaving the horses here was a bad idea.
The young woman turned towards Boyce and Wim.
"I think we should set up camp here."
Her tone was soft, as if resigned to the fact that they shouldn't push on today.
Wim nodded.
The boy tugged at Islana hand, pulling her towards the small rock basin. He points to the two men to drink as well.
Wim comes over and drinks some of the water and then smiles at the boy.
The boy smiles back still holding to Islana's hand waiting to see what the three of them were planning to do.
Wolf was not happy about how this was going. "Islana, we can make camp here. I suggest no fire and dry rations..."
Wolf walked over to the pool of water he scooped up some and smelled it. This was a fresh spring; the water was so clear. Taking a drink was cool and refreshing. Wolf smiled at the Boy and Islana. "Islana, keep an eye on our new friend," said Wolf, starting to set things up for the camp.
Islana drank some of the refreshing water. Nodded at Boyce. And took the boy over to River, so the horses could be tended to.
When everything was ready Islana and the boy sat by the small fire. When Boyce and Wim had sat as well, Islana thought they needed a plan.
"What should we do tomorrow?"
The young woman was hoping there was a reasonable plan the three of them could come up with.
Wolf was quiet; he reached and pulled out his flute. "The boy knows how to get around so he is not lost. Whatever happened to his family or people, can't be good. Most likely dead or dying. It is unlikely a sickness as the boy looks fine." suggested Wolf.
Islana nodded, but then asked, "What about the horses? The path is too narrow for them to come with us."
"We tie them off over there near the water and grass over there hopefully we will be back in a day or so. Wim what do you think?" asked Wolf.
“That seems like a good plan to me,” he looked at them. Then finally sat down.
“With this being so exposed, I am worried that is going to get cold tonight,” he said. “The wind will tear through here with nothing much to slow it down,” he added.
Islana nodded at what Wim said, "That's a good point. Should we set up two of the tents, then?"
Wolf gave a sigh. "I don't like the idea of a tent but ok, I have two thick hides and some furs for the night. I will be good. Islana and the boy should sleep in the tent. Which time would you prefer?" He asked.
"I think last watch, would work best." Just in case the boy woke up in the middle of the night she thought knowing he was not as confortable around the man as with her.
Islana looked at both of the men with her and said, "Thank you both for agreeing to do this."
Maybe the young huntress was so determined it didn't give them much choice, but she was grateful they had agreed to do this with her.
Wolf gave a warm smile "I would do it for you anytime," then realized how that sounded. "Just remember you owe me..." said Wolf with a grin.