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View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
Then There Were Two.
Tarmen casual slips away from the group backtracking from where the party came. The more distance he puts between himself and the waterfall room the less he contemplates his companions and the more his head throbs. The sense he is being watched or a about to be attacker returns.
As he reaches the corridor where the found the smooth ceiling shaft he noticea a slight breeze accompanied by a slow, rhythmic wheezing. The air is slightly warm and has an acrid smell, but he cannot sure if it's coming from the shaft or around the corner where the demonic statue stands.
By Zin he couldn’t stand this throbbing anymore. It infuriated him further that once again there was a threat he couldn’t fight, couldn’t kill.
Looking over his notebook, he placed his back to the wall. He could hear the whispers everywhere, though he could guess they were just more tricks from the imp. No point in giving them an easy chance to get him though.
He avoided the shaft like Panolis’s embrace, the newfound breeze only confirming his suspicions of it being created. It was open now and he had no intention of finding out what form of den lay in it.
Instead he gathered himself, checking his back constantly as he neared the gargoyle.
The statues red eyes glistening against the torchlight as you turn the corner. You look at its form and slowly follow its gaze, south along the tunnel, towards where you are travelling. You stop in your tracks. You hear whispering come from the darkness beyond. You see movement. Just out of the edge of your light. A shape. Humanoid. It stands looking at you. You feel it is staking you. It has been since you and the others entered the abandoned ruins. It stands as if goading you to rush it. To dare the dark. And then almost as fast as it appeared it is gone. Retreating silently.
Tarmen shook his head to try and confirm what he had seen. Maybe it was one of the others, thinking they had the drop on him.
All the same, he kept his jaw set and had put away his book in favor of his machete. Whatever it was, hopefully it could taste his blade before it took him at least.
You walk slower in the torch lit corridors that you would normally. Something is not right. You head is pounding faster than your chest. You feel the demonical statue's gaze at your back, as you continue to retrace your steps.
You start coughing. Your vision swerves, you loose focus. The imps voice laughs in your mind "MINE." It shouts. "MINE." It laughs as you stubbornly push yourself forwards towards the first large room you encountered.
Growling in frustration, Tarmen stopped in the hall to try and ease the throbbing. Hearing the imp once again, he snatched it from his waist and screamed at it.
“WHAT DO YOU WANT?! So sick and tired of hearin’ you ream my brain, just spit it out!!”
With his outburst echoing across the room and echoing back to pound at his own ears, Tarmen's endurance finally gives out. He falls to his knees as his vison blackens. The room becomes smaller. Last thing he sees are a pair of humanoid legs approaching from the centre of the room. Darkness comes crashing down.