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Bar Talk 2
Posted byPosted: May 19, 2022, 5:13pm
Hunter chuckled as the barkeep made his comment. Then he replied, “Exactly! See you get it. Trying to explain that to the Duke and he will say something like, ‘But you are doing it for honor and will get a medal for your troubles.’ Like honor and medals justify all that risk and suffering. Hunter took a big gulp from his mug and wiped his chin.” Hunter finished his drink and ordered another.
The man nodded at you clearly indulging you not really sure what Hunter was after.
Hunter looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping on his conversation. Then he drank a bit more. Then he asked quietly, "By the way I heard some of the creed fanatics fled over this way. Is that true?"
The man looked at you and frowned. "We have a few people come up in the last month or so. If they are part of that damned cult I have no idea..."
Hunter looked up as he listened to the barkeep. Hunter replied, "Great like we need a bunch of those nut jobs running loose before a war. Has there been any weird stuff going on like dead bodies or kidnappings?"
The man shook his head. "Nothing like that" he said scratching his beard. "Someone came here a few weeks ago wanting to buy supplies." He said.
Hunter replied, “Really? For camping or mining?
"Travelling." He replied.
Hunter sipped his drink then nodded as he got a bigger picture. He replied, "That means they moved on already. Prolly knew the Duke would send his men here. Well that's both good and bad at the same time. Glad that ain't here but not so glad they will be killing children elsewhere. So which way did they go?"
"Sold him a few rations." The man said. "As far as I know he went into the mountains. Said he was going to desert."
Hunter nodded and sipped his drink. Then replied, “I see……….well hopefully they never come back this way.” Then Hunter finished his drink and paid the barkeep as he thanked him for the wisdom. Hunter left the bar called the Hole and finished up on his chores. He continued to listen in on others till he got back to his camp. Then he jotted his notes in a journal he to share with Voah later on. Seeing as he was on his own for lunch he cooked the last of the crane steaks he had from the morning with some spices and cider. They aroma was pleasant as he finished and are his meal. Then he cleaned up and went to hunt for dinner.