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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Voah’s Prayer Tent (Part 2)
JP with Voah and Gonyaul:
Voah knew from past experience with him that he knew how to take a stance if he didn’t want to be moved. When she grabbed his hand; however, he went without hesitation. He never took his eyes off her as she led him to where they were going to sit.
The way she said darling made his heart backflip and a bashful smile emerged in the corner of his mouth. It wasn’t until he was seated did he actually get a better look at his surroundings. He was gazing at the decorum like an infant seeing interesting new things.
His eyes seemed large like a Mizaran doll and they seemed filled with yearning and wonder. Like a child who has witnessed something they have never seen before.
She leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the mouth.
He was distracted by some of the items in the place when she stole a kiss. He blushed and smiled brightly. His attention back on the most valuable person in the room.
“It is so good see you again. I could no stop thinking of you since you left.”
His tone was so appreciative that she had invited him to be here with her.
She was blushing as she picked up her wooden cup and nodded in solidarity.
“I read your letter. How… I mean… did you follow me here?”
So many questions on her mind she couldn’t find a proper place to begin.
He smiled, glad his letter went before her eyes.
“I know not you here. I not even thing good idea me to come here. Me think I only see you in my memories.”
“I’m so sorry about that first night. I was unkind to you.”
The man has seen her at her worst, red with contempt and the vengeance of the God of War and Justice on two occasions. And he stood up to her on the first. For mercy of a cultist.
He nodded understanding. “I not sorry. Best day of life when you enter in.”
He signed thank you, while mouthing the words, as he reached out and took the tea she so generously provided. He took a sip and savored the flavor.
He then tilted his head with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “you do owe me you story though. I no forget promise.” He winked playfully.
She laughed a light jovial chuckle and closed her eyes for a moment.
“I do. Don’t I?” she said shyly, pressing her lips together and then chewing softly on her bottom lip.
“I want to know more about you Mr. Mystery. But I suppose you did ask first. Where to begin?” her eyes scanned the tent walls as if searching for memories of the past.
“My story…” she blew out a ponderous sigh. “I grew up in Mizar on the roads. In a convoy of wagons and carriages. So last night felt kind of like home. My maja’s name was Xhi’xha and my dah, Jevali… they were entertainers and pilgrims.”
He remembered Alexis’ lesson about a fair exchange and offered the option. “We take turns ask, if better?”
He could listen to her talk all day, the sound of her voice was music to his beating heart. He mentally took notes and tried repeating the names of her parents.
He was following along with her words pretty well, but arched a brow at that last word, unfamiliar with it. “What is pill grems?”
Smoke cascaded down a small stack of stones from a backflow incense cone atop a copper plate laden with small pebbles and the scent wafted through the tent bringing a euphoric sensation when breathed in.