Characters in this post

View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Markus Norixius

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
Dawn over the mountains
Aquilo - morning after
If some of you thought you could sleep until late after the excesses of last night, you were sorely mistaken. Just after sunrise the pounding of metal and the cracking of stone start to reverberate through the morning air of the settlement.
Just before dawn, Balt, the Ostiarium prisoner turned Aghul recruit, returns leading a small party of Odonine to transport the rest of the weapons to the war camps massing across the foothills of Fang. Steel swords, daggers, spears and arrowheads, all ready to be distributed as agreed between the Duke and Koshnem. However, Markus knows that if they don't get the clansmen miners back to work, it will delay any future production
Alexis - You are called to see Markus later in morning and see the man Balt, who you immediately remember from your first visit to Fang, when you met the War-Chieftain. You explain what your business is in Aquilo. The man agrees to allow some of your party into the nearby ruins in exchange for help with the miner’s situation.
Voah - You spend the morning in the prayer tent contemplating your thoughts, actions, and events of last night. You re-read the letter you were given as a gift often and hope Gonyaul will visit you as suggested
Blackwolf - Alexis informs you that she managed to secure a visit to a nearby ruin from the clans, two days ride into Fang. It is a small fort that was once part of a network of travel stops for those crossing the mountains. You are given one week to conduct your research.
Gonyaul - There is only one thing on your mind today. The Arbiter Voah Sahnsuur. While your companions are engaged elsewhere you make your way to the prayer tent.
Tarmen - Alexis Greyriver, comes to find you later that morning, saying that she has agreed to help investigate the chamber or void found in the mines. She informs that she will join you in exploring it and find a solution to get the Odonine miners back to work.
Islana - You decide you will be joining Boyce Blackwolf on his visit into the interior of Fang and the nearby ruins. That is afterall why you had agreed to come to Aquilo.. Alexis asks that on the way back you spend some time hunting to try and boost the settlement food stocks.
Wim - You have finished your business in Aquilo. You have enough notes to allow Master Sadir to calculate how costly it will be to undertake the transportation contract between Ostiarium and Aquilo. You made a bit of coin and you can either return to the city before the war makes travel even more dangerous across the Plains or you can join Blackwolf in his expedition.
Hunter - You spend the day talking and chatting with some of the blacksmiths from Ostiarium trying to find clues about the whereabouts of any Creed stragglers. One tells you that the man that runs "The Hole" might know something. If anyone knows anything worth of note is the settlment's barkeep.
Malacost - You are close to Aquilo, the herds are getting thicker with each passing day and soon the Plains will be filled with nomadic tribes and their animals on their cyclical journey North.