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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Islana Annora
Finding A Friend
JP with Zeeke
Rustic. Islana wasn't sure if, in any of her travels, she had found a town so fitting of that description as Aquilo. Rustic was perhaps a polite term for it. Town was too generous. It was a settlement, really.
Once the group had stopped some place and the young woman had some free time, she had ventured out to see what there was of this place.
Men, lots of men. Lots of men who between their tone and gestures made it abundantly clear what they thought the huntress was good for.
Islana spotted the prayer tents and had thought she might have spotted the Arbiter Voah and Hunter when the group was on their way in but she didn't see them now.
The young woman continued on her way, there wasn't much to see, really. The men were making her more and more uncomfortable but Islana was doing her best to ignore them. It was just gestures and words, after all, none had attempted to touch her. At least not yet.
Still, Islana felt more exposed here than she ever had while the group had been traveling through the plains. It was a horrible feeling really.
Her eyes gazed upon the well, and near it, selling drinks out of a wagon, a familiar and friendly face. A small smile crossed her lips.
The young woman walked up to the young Lord and commented, "I would guess you have better drinks than the Drunken Hare."
Wim bowed politely to show her some respect that many of the drunk men were not doing. They were like reading an open book and Wim wanted to close the cover of that book. He knew that Islana and Voah could defend themself but a mob was a different problem. Wim decided that if anyone tried to get out of line, they would be cut off.
A simple question came next with a partially filled mug, "Would you like some?"
Her being here would drive up business and he could help protect her if needed.
"Yes, thank you." Islana said
Taking the partially filled mug, Islana sipped it. She was correct, it was better than the drinks at the Drunken Hare.
"I assume you're here, in Aquilo, on business?" The young woman asked Wim.
Wim offered her a place on the wagon.
Islana took a seat and waited on his response.
“Master Sadir sent me to see if transporting goods to the ‘town’ would be profitable,” he said.
The young woman nodded. "How long have you been up here?"
It seemed like a while since she had seen him but Islana hadn't thought of that as unusual, she had no idea he had been away.
“A few days it seems, traveling by wagon was a bit harder than I expected,” he said as he sold another ale.
"I can imagine." It made her wonder how Boyce and Gonyaul, especially after he was attacked, had done it.
"Most of us," meaning the group she came with, "came on horseback but Boyce Blackwood drove the wagon. Well, that was at first anyway. Poor Gonyaul got attacked by a Luger and had to ride the rest of the way in the wagon. He's alright but he'll have a scar."
“Who were you attacked by? Has the war started?” He asked.
"No, Gonyaul was attacked by one of the large cats out on the plains. It's called a Luger." Islana responded.
“Those cats on the plains are big,” Wim acknowledged.
"This was the biggest I've seen. I think there was a pack of them following us the rest of the way. Oh, we also met this nice tribe the Ash Hooves."
So, that was her edited verbal travel log. The men were coming up to the wagon, getting drinks, so Islana waited until their was a break before asking the next question.
"I saw that the Arbiter and Hunter were here."
“They are looking for some of our missing friends,” he said, giving her a funny look. He did not want to say cult member so others could tip them off if they were here.
Islana's face fell slightly, she took a deep breath and slowly nodded. It was clear she understood the reference and it was disturbing to her.
"Oh, I see." Islana responded. "Well, let's hope they find them."
She paused for a moment, "So, what do you do around here when you aren't working?"
The young woman hadn't seen the whole area but it didn't look like she missed much.
Wim laughed as he said, “Sleep, eat and work so far.”
“Can not even get a card game going,” he said.
"You should stop by our camp, sometime. Maybe you could teach me to play or something. Though I can't promise you anything on the gambling part of it. At least you'd be in familiar company." Islana smiled at him.
“I will bring the wagon over. Better to camp with friends,” he said.
He thought it was better to have friends watching his back as well.
“I would be worried Gonyaul would take all my money,” he said with a laugh.
"That sounds good."
Islana laughed. "He just might."
"I should probably let the others know your coming." Maybe especially Alexis who was in charge of the group not that she thought it would be a problem for anyone.
The young woman got off the wagon and handed Wim back his mug. "Thank you for the drink. I'll see you soon."
She wandered off, a little more leary than before. Just added looking for cult members back on her list of things to watch for. Not that it had ever really been off but it definitely made it more to the forefront.