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View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
Aquilo Bound
Malacost was standing at the edge of town looking off in the direction of Aquilo. He was playing out the possible outcomes of cause and effect of a plan he was considering setting in motion. He was looking at the desired final outcome and reverse engineering backwards from then to the present moment.
He had spent the day acquiring information, as well as some deliverables, and now looked more exhausted than usual from a taxing day of faking a charming and extroverted demeaner. He was very convincing; however, it took it out of him. He was the exact opposite in nature; displeasing and introverted. It was worth the ruse; however, because he was able to ascertain important inputs from others around town that connected the remaining dots.
First it was Sgt. Carver, whereby he learned more about his bounties indirectly. He was inquiring about Alexis Greyriver's steading, having learned that his mark was basically in her shadow from inquiries around town. He constantly had to fight the urge to do bodily harm to the annoying woman, instead pretending to be enjoying their conversation. Malacost struggled speaking with others, because he could usually predict what they would say next and grew bored quickly. And when he grew bored, his mind started to wonder how their hand would react to staking it to a table with a fork, or what sound they would gurgle if he swiftly crushed their windpipe.
Upon visiting the Greyriver Steading, he found the owner and company to be absent. Fortunately there were some hired caretakers still on the grounds when he came by. He pretended he was their for business and had not been made aware to the fact they were away. The farmers told him they were temporarily at the new settlement, Aquilo.
This was convenient information since he had also had a talk with a young lady named Cora earlier that day. He was surprised how easily it was to get her to comply. He could sense her resentment for the mark, almost leaping at the chance to inflict trouble. Cora answered in detail all of his questions. He wished she wouldn’t have, because it would have justified his passive aggressive wrath to lustfully pry it from her traumatized form. Alas, it was all handled with a normal conversation. Malacost was so moved by her bitterness he felt compelled to pay her rather generously. He especially loved the part where she implored him to end the man that killed her sister. Delicious!
From her he discovered more useful information about others heading to Aquilo. A troubled Incus in training and an Arbiter that, rumor had it, was losing her touch. They would be easy to find. This was shaping up to hardly be difficult, which was his least favorite pursuits.
He drew a deep breath, took a look at the satchel he was carrying with two important letters inside, then turned and started walking back to Ostiarium. He would need to make the necessary arrangements and preparations. Malacost was going to Aquilo.