From One Tool To Another

JP with Omni and Jaxx

Hunter looked at Voah with concern as he paused. Then he spoke up, “Are you sure you wish to clash with Duke Gett? Both he and the Blackblade are very dangerous. It could lead to a costly war for both sides.”

"Costly or not, that is the duty of the Inquisition. Has the Holy Office been compromised?" she genuinely wondered if he knew any secret information regarding the matter.

Hunter saw the determination in her eyes that she was not going to let this go. He hoped she would not regret this later on. Then he spoke up, “I understand. I will provide you a list of names, crimes and locations. But just so you know Duke Gett, the members of Blackblade and each big wig I was loaned to see killing to stay on top is no different than drinking fine wine. Their history looks like they are trying to become a demon.” Then Hunter went back to chipping away at the wood.

“We Inquisitors are accustomed to dealing with things that are… unnatural.” she said with some levity.

“By the way. I will see to it that you are given some reimbursement for your time with me and should you choose to, you are welcome to reside in the rectory. As my Incus, you will be you given room and board.

She knew there was still a relationship with the other twin but the offer was a privilege she had to let him know about.

Hunter nodded at her as he understood her intentions. Then he spoke up, “You make a tempting offer. So does this mean I will quit my work as a Scout?”

She shook her head.

"If you are obliged to the Duke Stoneshade, that may not be an option. Only while we are away from the city will you need to halt your duties as a hunter. The choice is yours. I will take you on as a willing Incus. I cannot force you into serving the church but you better learn quickly the value of faith. Besides, you have a target on your head. The Duke knows about you, which makes me look bad. And if this Lord Gett is really an issue, there may be new arrivals looking for you."

Hunter nodded at Voah before he replied, “I have no obligation to the Duke now, but it would be in the best interest to you, the church and the people, if I continued to hunt game for meat and skins. The Creed took advantage of them last time when they were starving. This will cut off their access to recruiting new victims.”

She thought over his answer. Hunter still seemed to have a caring heart in there but he must be afraid to show it. She could understand that but had to know.

“Are you doing this for you? Is this something you care about or are you just humoring me?”

Hunter paused in his wood working as he pondered her question. For a moment he was in deep thought. Then he began working chipping away at the wood as he spoke, “Because of the Creed, Nora is dead and Cora is wasting away in sadness. Be it a Noble or Cult leader……they couldn't care less about the people trying to make a living. All they care about is their agenda. To be honest I am sick of being their tool. The Preacher acted like he was helping the people by killing them and the Duke is using his Duty to over tax the people, send them to war with the natives for more land and resources all in the name of his family legacy. Sadly I killed more heretics in a day than he did his whole life.” Hunter sighed as he said, “Sadly I have limited skills to make life better.”

Voah didn't want to push him away but she wanted to make sure he understood.

"With me... you would be a tool for the Inquisition. That means against magik as well as heresy. You asked me, 'Why would Cambena oppose all magik'? There is a deeper answer to that but I need your confidence in this."

Hunter stopped and looked at Voah as he spoke softly, “Trust is hard to find and earn. I understand the requirements to work with you, however you lack the blood thirst I have seen in other zealots. When you feel ready to enlighten me, I will be waiting.” Then he went back to chipping away at the wood.

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