Day 2 - Afternoon - Lowood - Wim

Wim went looking for information. The night before he had been given an education now he was going to start doing his homework. He was trying to find the old beggar he shared food with to try to understand how this place worked (what is the unofficial power structure), the name of the Tattoo’ed man and where he could be found, if there were places that he should avoid, and if there any strange activity taking place that he should know about.

When he found the old man he said, put out your hat.
He started to sing a song about a boy that ran off with a traveling carnival ad he juggled three stones about the size of his palms. He smiled and nodded to the hat as people stopped for a few moments and watched.

The rocks were for his protection and his arms ached from the work that he did that morning. When the crowd dispersed he sat down next next to the old man and started to slowly ask his questions.

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