
Timestamp: Misty Ward Rectory

The Knight and the Friar exchanged looks once again.
"Who knows how rumours start Arbiter? A few hunters have claimed to have seen strange lights around campsites at the edges of the forest." Sir Zane said. "We couldn't direct you to someone in particular even if we wanted."
Voah arched an highbrow at the Knight.
"That is a strange statement, Sir Knight."
He shrugged his massive shoulders.

"We are in a strange land, surrounded by strange people and customs. If the natives decide to swarm us we would be in a real pickle. So best if we don't go kicking hornets nest just yet." He told her his opinions truthfully.

"That decision is the Lord's Commander." He told her "And he wishes to meet you this evening." He pulled a letter from his sachel. "An invitation for dinner. Formal." He pushed the wax sealed envelope towards her and waited go see if she had any further questions for him.

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