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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Rescue Escalates
JP with Voah, Hunter, Wim, Winteroak and Gonyaul
Before you could catch up on what Wim Reise was doing this far out in the woods the sounds of battle reached you from up ahead...
Hunter put his hand on Wim’s mouth as he gestured him to be quiet as he covered his lips with a finger. He recognized the sound of combat all to well. Then he said, “ We are close to a battle. Who else is with you?”
Wim looks at him and lifts two fingers. Then he whispers to them, "Alexis and Gonyaul. That is probably Alexis charging in."
Wim looked tired and angry but made an effort not to swear at the Arbiter.
Hunter nodded at Wim and whispered, “We need to move now. Wim stick to the shadows unless you get a good opportunity to do something. Let’s go!” With that they moved towards the noise.
Seeing Wim here was baffling to Voah. By rights she should have been on top of this cult before anyone. Another failure on her part. But that wasn’t what bothered her. Something about Wim was different. There was no indication of change through his words or demeanor but Voah felt as if a light had gone out over him.
The noise of battle came and she prepared herself with sword and dagger. She could hear the erratic foreign cries of Gonyaul in the distance.
Wim smiled and it was a purely evil smile then nodded in agreement.
One of the things that he could do well was hide and sneak. He had spent his whole life hiding and sneaking trying to avoid his father and brother, sneaking from a maid's bedroom, and running from someone he cheated.
Wim dropped into the shadows and circled to his right watching for any cult members that might be waiting. He was wearing one of their cloaks so he tried to act somewhat natural as he hurried.
The shouts from Gonyaul were getting louder and louder. He was repeating “Usedarihcok” over and over again. Up ahead the trio would see a blur begin to appear in the dark, weaving in a random pattern through the woods that kept drawing closer.
He had not noticed them, too concerned with what was chasing behind him. They also begin to see the form of several men in hot pursuit.
Hunter drew his a sword and dagger as he muttered, “It’s the rabbit.” Then he hid be hind a tree a prepared to kill some enemies.
Gonyaul was covering ground like lightening through the sky. He went right by the tree hunter was behind. He didn’t have a clue the master assassin was there. Nor had he seen Wim slip away into the dark to his left moments before. He did see a man though as he ran right past him.
His eyes did a double take and his head rubbernecked in the sudden persons direction. He nearly ran into a tree, barely dodging it. It caused him to spin and lose his balance at the speed he was going. He twirled and stumbled and then rolled as he came to a sliding halt on the ground a mere foot from almost hitting a fallen tree. He looked up at him from a fetal position on the ground. Then he saw the blade the man carried. It was an Arbiter. He had no idea it was Voah, thinking they all carried the same type of blades.
The men armed with daggers appeared on the scene not long after.
Hunter wasted no time opening some throats as they passed by in a hurry. Then once he was behind them he moved like a shadow as his blades sank into next victim’s neck.
The Arbiter helped Gonyaul to his feet. “Run rabbit.” she said and nodded at him.
Then she made for the clearing where the sacrifice was taking place.
As Hunter sank his blades into one of the pursuers neck he felt someone rushing him from behind, trying to bring a blade down on his shoulders.
Gonyaul was cautious of the approaching man. And then his mind was blown when it was the recognizable voice of Voah. He was down right confused in that moment, but he didn’t have to be asked twice.
He was helped up and then took off running about ten yards before stopping behind a tree to turn and look back.
He saw what was potentially Voah heading towards the ritual clearing and a melody of death played by Hunters instruments.
Hunter side stepped using his victim to take the stab as he freed his dagger and slit the throat of his new attacker.
Hunters; would be attacker dropped their blade and its hands went to their throat. It sank to its knees trying to hold back the flood of blood rushing down its neck.
Before hunter could step over its body something caught his eye. A lock of platinum blonde hair escaping from the assailants hood. He went to to his knees slowly... His hand trembling...
Wim listened there was no one flanking Gonyaul. One guard moved ahead and to his right heading towards the camp. Wim tucked behind a tree, got low hiding in the cloak and shadow created by the movement of the trees. The guard was making his way back to the camp to join the fight but would be taking his place.
As the guard passed the tree Wim bashed him in the knee with rock about the size of his hand. There was a loud crack of pain as the tendon and joints gave way. He would walk again if he didn't hang first. The man dropped his woodman's axe and Wim grabbed for it. The man got it before Wim but Wim was able to roll out of his reach. Wim deflected the axe blade down dropping himself on both knees. One into the man's groin and the other into his busted knee.
In a very cold tone Wim said, "You can surrender or I will kill you." With a look of defiance, the man tried to spit in his face. So Wim drove a dagger from the bottom of his chin and back into his spine. He grabbed the axe and headed into the main battle. After taking five steps he yelled, "Archers!!! They have Archers and horsemen coming!!" He made his voice low and rough. A little lie to cause more chaos was no big deal.
Hunter then killed the last two attackers before returning to the victim holding their throat with tearful eyes. His instincts already knew who it was as he felt an emptiness in his chest. He sighed as he spoke, “You should have stayed home. You knew I was coming here.” Then he looked at his dying lover as he kissed her goodbye and laid her down. Hunter felt a lump in his gut as he closed her eyes. He was not hurt like when he lost Isabella, but he did feel a loss as he looked at her peacefully dead body. He then looked up with his cold dead eyes and began looking for more throats to open.