Duke Stoneshade Questions

"Thank you Duke Stoneshade," he said with a slight bow. Wolf went sat in the chair. He made all his movements proper etiquette. Wolf knew he was being evaluated. With nobles everything someone did meant something. He had been taught for years how to deal with the Nobles even the Emperor his vassals. Some have mistaken Wolf for being of noble class many times. Wolf thought on the Duke's question.

Wolf gave a smile " Duke Stoneshade, When I heard of this new land the possibilities seemed endless. Being able to have the chance to learn new languages and new writings. The chance expand my knowledge as well as meeting new people or better" Wolf paused. "Women," he said. Wolf continued "I volunteered to come here and see whatArcadia has to offer to help expand Ostiarium. I hope my answer satisfied you Duke Stoneshade." all was spoken in a respectful tone the whole time. Wolf wondered what else the Duke was going to ask. Wolf was ready for the next question.

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