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View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
Cagliostros’ Apothecary - Cellar - Evening
Cagliostro carefully filled a brass syringe and with a gentle touch injected the man on the table.
“There, you will be yourself in no time at all.” He placed the syringe on a nearby table and leaned over the man.
"People feel they know pain; I however am a scholar of it. I have learned many of its secrets over the years. If we are fortunate, perhaps we will discover something new together. Now,… don’t feel you must be brave; I assure you I have seen it all. Feel free to weep, plead or scream as you wish."
He removed a clean white cloth from a tray containing a variety of implements and vials.
“Let us begin. Tell me everything you know.”
"My ma and pa lived in Mizar. I lived in Shrine-City of Vastad until I was 6." The man started looking at Nicolaus. " At that time, I learned my laters from a priest that preached about war and blood." He laughed again. "Tell you everything what, silly man? Do you have any idea who you are messing with?"
"Wonderful. I do so enjoy bravado. It's all about the journey not the destination. But you have answered already, you know why you are here.” Cagliostro shook his head sadly, “And you have made another mistake, …you have no idea who I really am."
Cagliostro smiled amiably, "Back to the task at hand, your education. The simplest surest way to get information is to deny water and sleep. This can be accelerated but it still requires time. Pain if to much the body is overwhelmed and it becomes less effective. It requires a deft touch to avoid unconsciousness."
The man laughed at the idea he didn't know who Nicolaus was. "Do your worse." He taunted.
"Excellent." Nicolaus picked up another brass syringe. "This may sting." He slammed it deep into the center of the man's chest and depressed the red liquid slowly. Almost instantly, the man's skin began to radiate heat.
" For a time I pursued another calling, it fitted my needs. I created this mixture then, as I prefer results and my time has value. Simply put it causes certain senses to increase and prevents your mind from escaping to the dark."
Nicolaus reached out and delicately plucked a single hair from the man's arm.
The man experienced something totally new in his life, obliterating pain. The kind of pain that prohibits anything else except being in pain. He felt as if a great oak had been torn from his flesh leaving a gaping and ragged rupture with waves of writhing agony radiating out from its raw edges.
When the wet screams had finally ceased, replaced with ragged, mangled breathing through cracked teeth. Nicolaus spoke.
"Your name?"