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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Leave, You Are No Longer Needed
Sergeant Carver seemed moderately irritated that instead of finding Gonyaul where he had been left the previous night, she had to go on a brief manhunt about the premise. She found him appreciating a tapestry hanging on the wall in one of the side corridors. After some advice regarding safety, which she delivered with a tone that had the comfort of a hugging cactus, Carver concluded her business with the young man by placing 4 gold pieces in his possession and informing him to vacate the premise.
Standing outside the keep in the middle of the day, Gonyaul felt out of place. He also looked out of place, like someone just let out of captivity with no one to greet or pick them up. Ever since he got pulled from the normalcy of his everyday life, into this chaotic mess, he had been shuffled and passed around from group to group and place to place with no say in the matter. The freedom to make his own choices had been returned to him; however, he was unclear on what his next course of action should be. He took a seat off to the side of the main circulation routes to think.
On the one hand, he really wanted to go back to his place on the farm and put all this behind him. According to Sergeant Carver; however, he should stick to public places for his own safety. His place was quite a distance from Suncross Square and on the furthest edge of the farm closest to the forest. It would be problematic if he ran into trouble day, or night, in such an isolated and exposed place. Did this mean it was never going to be safe to go back?
On the other hand, the most public place to be would be the public executions in Suncross Square. He was absolutely disgusted by the concept and the spectacle of them. What was wrong with these people?
His thought process was interrupted by his stomach growling. It was followed shortly by a shiver of fatigue from having not had any nutrients since lunch yesterday. He was used to fasting, but the amount of energy ... both emotional and physical ... he expended yesterday evening needed replenishing. That settled it. He would go to Suncross Square only to get something to eat using the money he had just received. Then he planned to go home.
Gonyaul looked up when he heard a sudden uproar around him. He saw the Keep's gates opening and the chain of prisoners being led past him in the direction he was about to go. His expression softened, lamenting for them. He stood and began trying to make his way along the side of the street.
When the crowd began to violently engage with the prisoners, Gonyaul was horrified. He had no idea that this was the custom for such an event. His stomach wrenched and he instantly turned from the sight and started drive heaving. There wasn't anything in his system to actually throw up, but his gut was straining to. The color drained from his face further as he tried desperately to get himself under control. He could even hear the people closest to him making fun of him with their jeering and mocking tones for his reaction.
He finally composed himself. His eyes were watering and his nose running from the violent hacking. He used his sleeve to try and clean himself up and covered his head with his cloak to try and block the noise and sights around him, if even just a little. He refused to look back to the scene as he hurried as fast as possible to the Square. He wanted out of this nightmarish show as soon as possible.
Find a place to get something to eat quick and get out was screaming in his mind.