
Stoneshade Keep - Duke's Office

"How many were missing?" the Lord Commander asked.
"Eight. The Arbiter arriving with two others to collect a suspect might have been the tip off they needed that we are aware of their presence." Sir Zane replied.
"Any clues on where they escaped to?"
"None. Either they have gone into the forest or are being harboured by others in the city. Too soon to tell." the Knight told him. "We have a list of around twenty names from the prisoners. We will be looking into them. Mainly loggers and hunters." he added.
"How many marked for execution today?" the Duke continued while writing in his leather book.
"Five including Wim Riese's attacker. One of them an old woman that refused to cooperate."

The Duke nodded. "Keep the others in chains for a few weeks. We need to show people that they need to come forward anytime they witness something untoward like this Creed."
Sir Zane paused for a few seconds wondering how to bring the subject up.
"A outlawed cult surely is the precinct of the Arbiter and the Inquisition. Should we not ask Voah Sahnsuur to be involved?"
The Lord commander stopped writing for a while and pondered the question deeply.
"I'm not too convinced the Arbiter is herself since she visited the tribes." he started. "She seems to be lacking..." he struggled for the right word. " A quality shall we say... There is something I find odd about her actions despite her reputation and obvious skills." he concluded.
Sir Zane did not press the issue any further. He knew the Duke had hoped the Arbiter to be some fanatical zealot and so far she had not lived up to his expectations.

"And the other matter? That special assignment we have discussed?" The Lord Commander queried.
"I'm speaking to someone who I think will be a good fit." he replied and the meeting was brought to a conclusion. As he was leaving he stopped and asked.
"Oh and what about the children? What do we do with them?" the Knight asked.
The Lord Commander shrugged. "Put them to work in the stables, kitchens or latrines. I'm sure we can find good use for them until we are certain of their parents innocence. If found guilty we can always hang the too..."

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