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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Coming Home
Posted byPosted: Apr 7, 2022, 7:19pm
After Voah gave her report at the keep they were asked to stay at the keep for the night after a meal. So it was then that Gonyual and Voah were escorted in different directions from Hunter. Since Hunter was worn out and in a lot of pain as he limped around like an old man. Luckily he was given a bowl of warm stew and some bread with some ale. He ate it in his room and was washed by an attendant before a medic put cleaned and gave him first aid for his bleeding leg. Once again they were using the medicine they got from Nicolaus Caglistro since it worked very well. After being helped back to his room he laid on the bed which was more comfortable than what he was used to and closed his eyes. He was tired and his leg still hurt. The strong ale was helping him relax and drift off towards sleep. Before he knew it he was asleep and darkness clouds his mind.
Hunter was dead asleep and it was so bad that the attendant had to wake him up from a distance with a stick out of fear. Even unarmed the attendant was warned to be respectful to Hunter and not anger him. Eventually Hunter woke up on a groggy state to see a nervous attendant with a bowl of warm porridge in hand. The attendant apologized for the warm food and their lack of ability to wake up Hunter at a proper time. Hunter was slow to sit up as he was exhausted and could not remember his dream for the first time.
After receiving his food and water he asked about his clothing and the attendant went to fetch it since he had to clean it. So as Hunter ate his breakfast the attendant arrived with the clean clothing and a box of weapons found in the clothing. Once Hunter was done he inspected his weapons and clothing to make sure nothing was ruined or missing. Then he got dressed and put his weapons in his hidden pockets. He recalled the night before and all that happened as he was finishing up. Seeing as he was unprepared for a big battle he decided to go visit the twins to get his gear. The walk was long as he hobbled with his walking staff. He had overheard that Sir Zane led a raid on the farm for the cult members. He wondered if the old knight would be able to find all of them since they had a night to hide from him.
If the pig faced man was not caught it was far from over. Hunter didn't know what rank the pig faced man held in the cult but he was definitely one of the bosses since his prisoner committed suicide for him. This told Hunter that he was dealing with Zealots and they were a pain in the butt to deal with since they lived and died for their caused regardless of how dumb it sounded. Oddly he was curious why so many place such high value on religion when it clearly gave them nothing back in return. Not once were any of his victims saved by any god. The only creature that did survive was that redcap that Voah killed and that was due to its magic. If Hunter had a magic sword he could have killed it as well.
Once he arrived near the old pig farm remains of the twins, he saw them come out and run to him with tears in their eyes. They hugged him tightly as they cried. Hunter was at a loss on what to say or do so he simply copied them and hugged them back. He felt weird that he could not return their feelings. Then after a few minutes they led him to the shack and put him on the bed before they gave him a piece of their minds. So after a few arm hits and a lot of mean words to Hunter the twins held him tightly and made him hold them as they laid on the bed. Hunter was still tired so he closed his eyes and drifted off with his two caregivers as they held him from both sides. He wondered what they should do for lunch when they woke up as his eyes closed and his mind drifted off.