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View character profile for: Wim Riese
Different schemes..
Timestamp Sadir’s Residence
Wim smiled kindly to Elizabeth for the non-rejection. She might be stringing him along but she did not seem like that type of woman. It was a promising start.
Eren Sadir seemed to be amused as Wim excused himself from his brief conversation with Elizabeth and returned to the conversation with her father.
“It seems agreeable to Ms. Sadir, so I accept,” he said sitting back down in his chair and picked up his glass. He raised it in a salute to Master Sadir.
Wim had ideas, his brain was always coming up with different ideas of how to make money and new things to learn about. The thought of the war that would come made him think about survival, mostly his though his father’s annoying “You are noble so you need to protect people” sometimes breaks through. it had already shown itself when they were with the Native people. He enjoyed their smiles and laughter. He liked the children. When they were visiting their camp he felt respected and welcomed. The problem for Wim was deep down inside Wim liked people. He liked the sailor and their stories, he liked the foresters, except one, he liked most of the guards. It was just the ones in charge that got to him. This all confused him. The Brewmaster could get him to do thing and think about thing he would not. Master Sadrin also had a way of slowing things down and getting him to think something was his idea.
His mind clicked back to the Elizabeth problem. She was an enigma of sorts. She was smart and had been educate, that was evident from the book she read and catching the mistakes. Being a woman she could come and go and no one would pay to much attention to her. She could be like a spotter who watched the marks cards and signaled the hand to the player at the table when Master Sadrin conducted business. What he needed information, both on Elizabeth and what was going on around the town. Early information on businesses struggling would allow them to help “save them.” He realized that would have to be his path to any power here. Sir Zane would have been warned about his tendency to try to manipulate a cheat people. His attitude towards Sir Zane and the Duke was still conflicted. He did not try to cheat them, well not in a major way. Wim would love to get the Duke at a card table and try to be recommended for a new title and rights here in this land. That would take time.
He knew that Master Sadrin wanted to talk about the details about the courtship and it’s terms. Noble rights gave him some leeway in some matters, his sense of moral obligation as she was not a servant would not allow it. Master Sadrin wanted what was best for his daughter.
“I was giving some thought to some things. I am thinking that maybe something like a flat bottomed wagon might be useful for hauling the iron ore to town in the winter. I think that would help out lumber sales and be a boost to our sales. Maybe a smith might be open to an investment too,” he said with his first thought.
“And maybe we should look at a facility to repair ships. I don’t think we have the craftsmen to actually build ships here. But we are going to need some more fishing vessels and maybe barges and to transport things as the area is explored,” he said with his second.
This was to keep his mind off Elizabeth in more natural states. The alcohol was not helping nor were the buttons on her outfit.