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View character profile for: Sir Eudon Zane

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Islana Annora
Plans For The Dawn
JP with Bandorchu, Winteroak, and Cindy.
Sir Zane approached Alexis Greyriver and Islana, offering them both his condolences.
"We cannot allow soldiers and guards to be killed without reprisals. If we do, we will quickly lose control of the city." He told them both straight to the point. "Just before dawn we are going to raid Soliam farm and arrest everyone in an attempt to flush out any cultists or at least try and get some people to talk." He informed them. "Anyone found guilty of association will be hung tomorrow at noon with the prisoner we have in the dungeons." He told you both and you got the feeling he was leading to have you join the punitive raid.
Islana thanked Sir Zane for his condolences. A raid at the farm sounded...well hopefully it would turn up something. He hadn't exactly told or invited them to go on the raid but it wasn't difficult to infer such a thing.
"Should I assume you want us there? Because, I am more than willing to go." Islana knew her feelings and mind had been long set; anything to stop the cult.
Alexis accepted the condolences with a silent nod. Given that Zane had felt Hendrik ‘had only got himself to blame for the mess he found himself in’, she took them with a grain of salt.
A raid… it made sense. But she did have some reservations about it.
Sir Zane nodded at Islana's words. "Yes, I would like you there. We cannot let what happened today go unpunished," he said with a steely tone. "We need to crush this cult before it becomes impossible." Sir Zane knew the dangers of ideological believers and how hard they could be to eradicate. Plus he had a war to prepare for and the city could not afford this time of distractions.
The confirmation of what Islana already thought to be true, just brought a nod from the young woman. Frankly, she felt all of this; interrogating prisoners, raiding farms, and the like was above her level of knowledge but she would still go.
It was difficult for her, still, to turn down a request from someone of a higher station than herself. For the same reason "Sir" and "Ma'am" were part of how she addressed people whose status she was unaware of. It had been, pretty much, beaten into her so it had become self-preservation to do so.
“Very well.”
Alexis wasn’t enthusiastic about coming down on a bunch of civilians.
But this was going to happen whether she liked it or not. Which was precisely why she was willing to go.
Maybe she would be able to at least perform some damage control.
Sir Zane grunted, "Be ready one bell before dawn," and he left them to their mourning.