
Wim watched the gears turn for Erin Sadir. Wim had done the same thing but, having taken the drug he was not sure selling it would be in the best interest of surviving the winter. This may be to turn this to his advantage. The thought of drugging Sadir raced through his mind. The man would have a different feeling about this if it if he experienced it himself.

The ethics ran through Wim’s mind as he left the office. He started making a ledger in his mind.

The Negative accounts
1) People would die if he let this be distributed.
2) People selling drugs tended to get harsh sentences.
3) He would have to tell Sir Zane his plan.
4) Master Sadir is teaching him skills that might help him.

The Positive accounts
1) Master Sadir could die if he drugged him with a dose. The problem with that is that Wim was not set to take over his operations.
2) Could he let Sadir be bait for a cult of killers. Yes, Wim had no problem with that.
3) Sir Zane would see him as useful, and maybe more trustworthy.

The Brewmaster was the biggest negative. Wim hated the looks he got when he was going through the withdrawals. It is why Wim did not kill his assassin. Wim was very good at throwing knives.

He headed for the Apothecary to see if he could have one vial as a negotiating tool and another bag of that nasty medicine to help him cope.

Then he would get dressed up return to the keep to report that he had people searching for clues and he was going to meet with Master Sadir for dinner.

Wim picked up his assailant’s cloak (because he liked the look and it would let him hide in the darkness). He really did not want to

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