Sharing Thoughts Over Ale

JP with Cindy and Winteroak

They were back where they started the day. Sitting on a corner at their regular tavern nursing some cheap ale. Their clothes and cloaks were drying fast in the heated room.

They had not learned much. Except that men that were used to foraging around the forests appeared scared to do their jobs. Something was spooking people they just weren't talking.

He looked at Islana. She had uncovered quite a bit and he wondered if they had reached the end of the line.

Islana sipped her ale. She felt like a wall had been hit in the investigation. It was bothering her because she felt like there had to be more, there had to be a way to find out what happened to Hendrick. And then was issue of the child sacrifice, she was determined to stop that, no matter what it cost her.

Taking a breath, after a few sips of Ale, she asked, "Do you think we're not going to find anything else out? Like we've hit a wall?"

He considered her question. "I think we were eventually going up some dead ends." He swirled the ale in the mug. "We won't find answers everywhere we look."

At least now the had Alexis with them. She could use her influence at the Keep to allow them to stay away from their daily duties.

A thought came to him unbounded but he hesitated before saying anything. Yet.

"Whoever is doing this has to be someone that spends a lot of time in the forests. Someone that won't raise suspicions when they go out there..." He mused.

Islana thought Jiyn had more to say on that idea, she thought for a moment. "Well, there are a few people like that. The hunters, though very few us are currently being sent out, some are. The foragers but I don't think its then. The loggers?" She was tired and couldn't think, then added, "Aren't there Lords that own some of the woods?" She didn't remember, at the moment, if Wim had mentioned he did.

He shook his head. "No one owns land yet. It all belongs to Duke Stoneshade. Some of the people that came in the first journey are due some parcels of farm land though..." He nodded while pondering her question. "The loggers. The loggers are always in and out of the forests. No one would bat an eyelid to their comings and goings..."

Islana let the idea the loggers might be behind it move around in her mind for a moment before responding, "Do think a lot of them could be involved?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. But probably not. You don't keep something hidden very long if a lot of bodies know about it." He finished his ale poured himself another. "Same with hunters to be fair. Likely we will find that those involved are part of these groups. We could ask someone at the Keep or even the Friar of there were murders or people missing in the other years..." He suggested.

His previous thought was still burning in his mind and he wondered if he should bring it up.

Islana agreed, that it was probably not a large group. The Friar hadn't mentioned anything about murders or people missing but Islana hadn't thought to ask. "I suppose if the murders or disappearance had been one or two people every few months they could have gone not being linked to anything bigger." Islana empty her mug and got another. She then added, "What if ...if a child has gone missing every year and no one noticed a pattern " Taking another sip of ale. It was clearly bothering her that this might have been going on for a while.

"Exactly. Maybe that is where we need to look, that and find out more about this old cult." He brought his voice down to a whisper. "There is one who might know more but I dread to think to go to her after Omen." He said obviously meaning the Arbiter. He immediately regretted voicing it.

Islana really did not want to go to the Arbiter. The idea made her stomach turn a little.

"I fear we might have to but not yet." Also keeping her voice low. "A last resort perhaps." Taking a larger glup of the ale and letting the feeling of it wash over her for a moment. Islana still in a quiet voice, remarked, "If need be I would do anything to save a child. I would sacrifice myself. I cannot however ask others to do the same." She did not want this next question left unasked, "If we are left with no other options are you willing to go to The Arbiter?"

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