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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Between Shock and Anger
Islana went to speak but nothing came out. She had feared, logically, it could be a group practicing such things. She already knew about the soul catchers and now this. She took a deep breath and tried again, "Unfortunately, that goes with what was found in the woods. You said they were set to be exterminated. Were they all exterminated? Is it likely those practices were passed on?"
He nodded. "Many centuries ago before the Ascension of the Five Pillars, it was very common for believers of different religions to war one another in the name of their god." He paused trying to summarize one of the most bloody episodes in human history in a few words to someone who had likely never heard or studied the subject. "It seems this Creed was one of the few old time religions that the Five did not tolerate." He added pondering her other question and the revelation that maybe some human sacrifice was taking place in Ostiarium or in Arcadia.
"We have no way to tell if every single believer of the Creed was killed or if their faith lived on, either hidden among the others in Helias or here in Arcadia. Any opinion I could offer would be simple conjecture." A worried shadow crossed his visage.
Islana did notice the look on the man's face. She likely had a concerned look on her face. The information about what had been found had gotten worse the more she investigated.
"I understand you can not give me a definite answer." Islana knew the idea that it was a group doing sacrifices made the most sense. "Is there any more information on believers of the Creed? Anything that might be helpful."
The Friar looked at the page and shook his head. "Only what we have here and it's very little. Not much apart from the symbols and that the sacrifices usually are in exchange for better crops next year, good luck and prosperity." He kept scanning the page. "Something about one final sacrifice on the last day of winter..." He looked up at Islana shaking his head as if to say not much elseā¦
Islana had a feeling there must be; something the Friar wasn't saying. Beyond what she already knew, what could be that bad? "The winter sacrifice? Was it a large one?" She lowered her voice, almost not sure she wanted the answer.
He looked back at the page, his lips moving slowly as he did his best to translate the old language.
After a few heartbeats he stopped reading. His eyes widening slightly. He looked up at Islana and said, "A child. The last sacrifice is a child."
Islana felt herself turn pale, she backed away from the desk as if trying to get away from what she had just heard. Not really looking, more feeling her way behind her she found a chair and sat down. There was nothing to prepare her for that.
Islana didn't even think when she spoke with a tone somewhere between shock and anger. "They must be stopped. They can't be allowed to harm a child."
The thought of going and finding the evil, vile people that would do such a thing herself, if she had to, crossed her mind.