With friends like this…

JP Lucian, Omni and Bandorchu

Ostiarium, Forest

Alexis‘s step slowed for a moment, as she recognised the voice of that bastard Alcuin, or whatever his real name might be.

And then… she just continued her stride, merely giving the man radiating malicious delight a brief, deadpan look.

How very strange. She had thought she would burn with fury should she ever meet him again. Yet, she didn’t seem to feel much more than disgust and disdain.

Was she so burned out from all she had been through that she couldn’t afford to waste precious emotion on the treacherous asshole?

Or was it something else? Was she burning so hot that it mysteriously felt cold? Was she in that fleeting moment that one could stick their hand into the flames and remain unharmed, even without the fire god‘s boon?
If so, when would she start to feel the burn?

Not yet. Not now. For now, Alcuin was first and foremost a set of treacherous eyes to be mindful of. For now.

The Garrahn’s eyes were drawn into the forest’s foreboding darkness.

Deep inside she felt a sense of inevitability.
She was tempted to call it fate.
Bigger things were in motion tonight. So much bigger things than some little mortals enmity.

Tarmen was rather proud of himself for not immediately throwing some verbal or physical attack on the man that could rile Alexis so badly. He remembered her contempt when they had been saved in the mountains, but had never heard the full story. He didn't need it, he could see with his own eyes the twisted smile that greeted them was no ally. He followed Alexis's example of meeting their acquaintance' malice with dull acceptance.

Malacost was almost disappointed at their reaction. Almost. His calloused hand still at the hilt of one of his many daggers. A cold wind seemed to blow around the clearing, lifting the last of the brown leaves in the air and space between the two. Plenty of time for fun. Before any more words passed between the three, his eye caught a few familiar symbols on the brute's armour. He suppressed a wicked smile. How quaint that when death loomed larger they all rushed to find faith. His eyes were drawn to Greyriver and her armoured figure. He did not hide his leering. Mountain lasses held a special place in his heart. You could always count on them to put up a fight. And he loved when they put up a fight. Around them the five men from the Craven Pack were making the last preparations for their departure keeping busy and largely ignoring the interaction around them. "So, Slayer, we were told you will leads us to our enemies..." he said giving her an exaggerated flourished bow. "We shall follow you closely behind..." he joked awaiting for their instructions.

Drawing on that eerie serenity, Alexis calmly nodded.

“Let us hope so. They have done enough damage as is.”

She remarked, securing her mount. They might go up against highly trained assassins. Noisily galloping in would most likely not help with the element of surprise.

Glancing at the supposed bounty hunter she added:

“… and please do. Wouldn’t want you to be the one to get lost now, would we?’

That was all the attention she was willing to spare the rat’s provocations. Instead she turned to Tarmen and gave him a decisive nod.

“Let’s go.”

With that she took lead, adjusting to merge with shadows and whispers of the forest that had been her home for that brief time of joy and peace that cruel Arcadia had been willing to grant her.

< Prev : Into the Wolf's den Next > : Shadows of the forest