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View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
All Alone (Relatively)
As Tarmen wandered the nearby jungle, he idly thought of Hunter. Sizing up the man, it was clear that he had a history in killing. The eyes were the biggest giveaway. His silence was another, not having questioned his position as the errand boy for Tarmen and Alexis. Whether that was from mercenary work, though based on how uptight the guy could be he doubted it, or just as a guilty pleasure, Tarmen was not going to start delving into his headspace. This trip would most likely end with bodies and if his mysterious partner had a bloodthirst, then he could only hope it was used on the natives... though a quick death would be appreciated.
Coming to a small clearing, he did his best to see the camp and was rewarded with the occasional speck of a head. With this possible vantage point for scouts, he set to work.
Tying a line through the middle of the path, he made it possible to see if one was taking their time. With the main attraction in place, he chose three points along the sides of it and made use of his machete, always grateful for its endless uses as he carved a small, crude pit. With the moss growing thick and small bushes covering most of the floor, it wasn’t all that difficult to hide the sharpened points he lay within each pit. Even better, each point was lined with jagged hooks to find purchase and further rend the foot that landed on them, only made worse by the careful placement of .
This process was copied throughout his designated path, though he placed many pits by themselves to try and keep peeking eyes on their toes.
Being alone like this, even for such a short time, gave him some much needed room to think. The inclusion of the Inquisitor on their mission made this seem less like recon and more like setting up an outpost for later invasion. Why else would they risk one of the most important people in the settlement? Either she dies and they are “obligated” to seek vengeance or she reports magic and the Holy War begins anew. Or they truly wanted intel for later plans of conquest. The presence of the wreckage hinted at others' efforts, which seemed a good enough sign for Tarmen to call the island part of Zin’s Garden.
A noticeable shift in the light brought Tarmen’s attention to the setting sun, though it was still well above the horizon. If the natives would have been open to peace, he would have liked a hideout here. A little slice of home with a beach, it would have had it all. Uncomfortable with the low weight this bittersweet vision conjured, he changed his focus to following alongside the path he had made in order to avoid making another trail directly to the others. The whole way back he had a morbid curiosity on if his every move throughout the day had been followed and almost grinned at the thought of how many times a knife or arrow could have ended him. Truly a slice of home.