An offer in good faith

JP with Lucian, Omni and Bandorchu

“I’m afraid the Keep has already secured Nicolaus’ other samples and materials, and no doubt they intend to use it. You’re right about its utility in open battle. Neither one of these would be suitable for such combat. However, for a specific target…” She let the words linger, her eyes narrowing slightly. She didn’t need to name names but there were some obvious targets. “For now, I’ll keep them concealed.

As for other precautions…”

Voah’s expression turned more serious as she considered the broader threat. “I’ve heard unsettling whispers about Arcadian raiders and scouts lurking closer and closer to the outskirts. So before you go, you both need to be prepared for encounters with magikers. And I may not be able to do this later if my luck fails me. If you allow me, I would like to mark your armor and shields with wards of protection.”

Voah paused, a shadow of doubt flickering across her face.

“I cannot vouch for their effectiveness against the magik of the Twins, but against Odsier and Odonine’s sorcery, they should hold. I’ve read the historical accounts and have witnessed, firsthand, their ability to shield from wild magik. Years ago in the Forsaken Lands… amidst the V’roni clan in Kru’ll, and more recently when Alcuin withstood a lethal ice blast from that winter witch in Gra’akast.”

What she did not know was effectiveness of the religious wards' depended significantly on the bearer’s faith in the Pillars.

Voah’s kind offer conjured up mixed emotions in Alexis.

She was grateful for her friend to be looking out for them, but she felt a peculiar resistance to accept that protection.

While she wasn’t sure wether that feeling was all her, she could identify this:

A symbol of faith was not just some… superior material or craftsmanship that improved one’s armor.

It was just that - a symbol of one’s faith. And it should be worn by the faithful.
Even before Arcadia, Alexis would not necessarily have called herself that.

And now… now she felt whatever claim she may have had to that classification was gone.
She held no ill will whatsoever towards the Pillars, but the connection, however shaky it had been, felt irrevocably severed.

No. It… just wouldn’t be right to try and treat a holy blessing like a mere tool.

Unconsciously taking a small step back, she gently shook her head.

“Thank you, Voah, truly.”

She softly said.

“But… I don’t think I qualify for such protection anymore.”

Voah, sensing the hesitation behind Alexis’s refusal was at first disheartened, but quickly understood the woman’s meaning in that bearing the symbols of the Pillars likely wouldn’t do her any good under the watch of the Arcadian God, Fosia.

She had to measure her instinctual feelings and response with a moment of contemplation.

“Very well,” Voah replied with a gentle nod, her tone carrying an undercurrent of respect. She stepped forward, putting a gentle hand on Alexis cheek.

“So much have you done for me that I may never be able to repay in kind. You’ll find no judgment from me, only the open offer.“

She then turned to Tarmen. “And you, Tarmen? Would you bear the defensive lozenge of our Gods?”

The offer brought a moment of choice for Tarmen, mirrored by their trip to Sentinel. He had bore her blessings with disrespect, like a child bearing his mothers attention to clean some mess on their face. He felt now was a tipping point, just as Alexis was relinquishing her claim of the Pillars, so too did he have to choose. He also considered her now transformed view of the pillars and their faith in general, feeling more inclined towards it then what the Purger would preach.

He nodded to Voah.

"I will accept, comin' from you I at least know it is sincere and of honest faith."

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