Surprise Announcement

JP with Cindy and White_Caribou
-Winter Pastures Encampment-

"Shalia Nix, is arriving shortly." The scout relayed the information to Sister Locust. "Very good, make sure she shown to my tent."

Islana had been busy this morning, as usual and part of that was preparations for the meeting with Shalia. Currently, the Sister planned to meet with the Winter Witch in private, as she had more personal matters to discuss. After which the larger meeting with the Sister's advisors and whomever Shalia wanted would take place. Islana had informed her advisors but especially Ch’Truta of the plan.

So for now the idea was comfort. Drinks and light snacks were placed on the table. The redheaded leader took her place in her chair at the front of the room and awaited Shalia's entrance.

Unmounting her horse and handing off the reins, Shalia thanked the Ozainae who had taken it away with a nod. The witch approached the tent she had been directed to and took a deep breath before entering. Too much on the mind lately. It would be nice to share more of it at last. Within the fabric room she found a welcoming table and Islana there to greet her alone. Shalia offered a warm smile and let the flap fall behind, winter air drifting in with. She seated herself across from the young woman. Snow that fell atop her head remained there, hair in a thick braid over white bearskin shoulder. Shalia's head tilted to the side slightly as she spoke, delighted to be in the presence of a friend.

"Feels like forever passes before we meet, doesn't it?"

"Yes, too long." Islana smiled gently. "I must admit I have missed speaking with you. Please, help yourself to anything on the table."

Kaithak had raised his head, but nested back into his perch upon seeing it was Shalia.

"I have so much to tell you, but you first. How are you?" There was a sparkle to Islana’s eyes that told of a happiness beyond the calm leadership.

Shalia picked out small pieces of dried fruit and popped them into her mouth, savoring the sweetness that had been so rarely had in Fang. She gave a small wave to the ever-loyal falcon.

"Better than I have been in some time. Brighter. Stronger." They both looked to be. She paused a short moment to simply observe her friend. It was still incredibly impressive how the trembling redheaded woman once stranded in the mountains now sat assured in Arcadian power. Parallel paths that decide to intersect whenever they meet in person, Shalia supposed. Destiny felt odd in that way even if she failed to deeply understand the inner workings of something so grand. Yet. Gradual steps and one day, perhaps.
"I've been learning more about myself and magik. Finding what I truly want in times to come. Reading with much fascination, too. A good book is always...well, good." She chuckled lightly.

"I am glad to hear that," The Sister hadn't thought The Voice of Winter had been healed from the attack on her before leaving Gra'akast. Though Islana knew Shalia was a strong woman so that she was better didn’t surprise her. "It does sound like things are going well for you. My own abilities have grown, since I saw you last."

"I have some excellent news." She paused to drink some tea. "I have met a someone, he's so wonderful. We are in love, and we are betrothed." Islana sounded light, with all excitement of one in a new relationship.

Tea flowed slowly as Shalia tipped the liquid into a cup. Her eyes watched fragrant steam rising through Islana's words, though the pouring halted abruptly at the announcement. The older witch held the pot still and looked up with raised brows before setting it down.

That seemed so sudden. Not terrible by any means, quite the opposite, but unexpected. Shalia had prepared a similar topic of conversation--the fate of her own marriage--that appeared far too bitter to bring to the table after such a reveal. It would be cruel to ask about him now. To selfishly poison this pleasant moment for a friend.

"That--that is really excellent, isn't it?" She stumbled into words with a smile that wavered at the start, though not in an effort to discourage. Shalia cupped her hands around her drink, cooling it just enough for soothing warmth without discomfort. Her jade ring clinked softly against the surface.
"Who is the lucky man? Tell me about him." She tipped the beverage to her lips before looking back to the woman, curiously.

"He is Ch’Truta of the Chulla Brood. He hails from the swamp lands west of Gra'akast. He is kind, smart, and protective, and so handsome. He is a seerer, blessed with a second sight of sorts. We have been given blessing by his swamp spirits and the Twins. I don't know how to describe it, it is like we were destined to meet and be together." Islana paused, her smile grew. "He loves me, Islana not the Sisters. Everything he does is for me, my benefit. I have honestly never met anyone like him, before."

Information about the Still Valley was certainly not a strong point for Shalia, but what parts she did know had intrigued her. A man from one of these broods definitely had vast stories to tell and valuable insight to supply. His description sounded perfect for one of Islana's new station, though perhaps too much so. She was still young despite her hardening experiences, and it was wise to be wary of vultures swooping in toward anything moderately malleable with power, inexperienced love to be specific. The heart was a path that needed steady traversing and could be tough to map at first. Granted, there were gods, spirits, and advisors watching carefully with approval. She could pry about Ch'Truta more in the future as Shalia knew well the importance of trusting Islana's choices and the input of people she placed faith in. But given their short, substantial history, the sorceress fell somewhere in that category, too, landing below gods and ghosts.

"A union blessed by things beyond, hmm? Can you really argue with that?" Her expression became richer despite the questioning held within. She looked to Islana's hands which lifted greatly in their youthful memory. Shalia recalled holding them in reassuring gesture times before; felt where bowstrings were often drawn; imagined fingertips bloodied and wrists bound by her past foes; picturing the man who embraced all of their unseen scars for the woman he loved.

The winter witch began to speak softly, slowly returning her gaze upward. "When you find your person, there is no mistaking it. Precious time, however long, spent searching souls--proving it to yourselves. A bond like that is eternal even if your bodies are not. Carried everywhere as you've carried each other..." Wetness which pricked Shalia's eyes was blinked away. She shifted her thought direction immediately after and took a few more snacks to taste.

"Sincere congratulations. Have you thought about the wedding at all? A fusion of cultural ceremonials, maybe?"

"Thank you," Islana softly said. "He understands that anyone standing by me, as Sister Locust, in the capacity he will has to pledge to worship the Twins. He has agreed to it, though I know it was hard for him. I am not opposed to him adding things from his culture, I would welcome that. He hasn't asked for anything but to be by my side." Islana sighed slightly. "I suppose I just realized that in all the excitement I never really asked him." She felt her heart sink a little, not having meant to discount his culture.

"We are planning to do the ceremony soon, very soon. I would like it if you would be there." The young leader explained.

Islana then added. "I would like you to meet him, before the meeting later with the rest of the advisors. You two would be welcomed to talk, if you both wish." Shalia's opinion did matter to the redhead. However, Islana would always love Ch’Truta, that she knew with her heart and soul.

Shalia finished chewing and lifted the drink again, listening intently. Should they combine customs for this, it would provide more background to their respective regions which was cheerfully welcomed to her. Tradition and culture had always been topics of intrigue and the first books she plucked from shelves or piles. People and how they do it, why, the origins. Fascinating and rich.

"I would like to meet him, yes, and of course I'll be in attendance. How rude to not bring a gift!" She replied playfully.

Islana looked so happy it was hard to believe she had any thoughts of the impending war on her mind at this moment. "I am just glad you can be there."

"Now, was there anything you wanted or needed to discuss before the meeting with the advisors?" The Sister realized she hadn't given Shalia any real opportunity to bring up more subjects, she just couldn't contain her excitement.

Sudden hesitation crossed the ice witch. There was a slight shift of the eyes downward and back up once more after weighing her options.

"It can wait," Shalia nodded, speaking simply to mask her sadness. There was something else for her ears only, but she was reminded yet again that it was far too inappropriate given the unexpected engagement. She had spent hours thinking of what to ask Islana prior. How. Pushing it aside hurt again. Ever since finding Jiyn's mention in the Arbiter's journal, she craved the answer as to where the man she loved so dearly was last. It was an uncommon name and Shalia was willing to stomach any answer if it settled the open wound she gave them both all that time ago. The feeling of closure finally nearing was almost blinding as she rode the way here, and if it weren't for needing to focus on other matters, it would've overtaken her completely. One more obstacle to overcome, another step closer to what she wanted. And now it would sit even longer in the pit of her stomach, anxiously climbing up her throat, trying to reach the tip of her tongue.

Islana deserved a moment of peace to celebrate. Her moment, not as a couple, not as a leader. As much as she implied this initial meeting was for them both to share anything they wished, such grand news would not be overshadowed by Shalia's worrying. Doing so would ruin her cheery expression and enjoyment of new love while young--a similarly fond recollection to the older woman. Finding Islana had changed her forever and knowing this only elevated her decision to withhold.

"Actually, I wish to rest a bit longer after the ride," she added gesturing to the snacks and tea, "but would love to hear about how you came to know each other..."

< Prev : The Undying Hope of Love Next > : Conferring