Faith Amidst Fears

Ostiarium > Misty Ward > Rectory of Kupen

In the serene courtyard garden of the rectory, home to the brothers and sisters of Kupen, God of the Sun and Sky, Voah found solace and focus amidst her uncertainty. A hanging censor let off the scent of holy smoke nearby.

The space was framed on three sides by a raised deck under arched arcades and open to the dense foliage of the forest on the northern side, and featured several aspects on which to focus one's mind on the mysteries of Kupen.

Such features included: a gilded sculpture that reflected Kupen’s dazzling essence, a large gazebo to rest from Kupen's kiss when it became too intense, two young trees, where dappled sunlight once danced through leaves and sparkled on the surface of a small, central reflecting pool, symbolizing the deity’s radiant energy. The branches now stood mostly bare and the sky was overcast, with the first snowflakes of the cold season and winter on the doorstep.

In this tranquil environment, Voah engaged in a deeply meditative practice that blended kata training with spiritual meditation. Her movements were fluid and precise, each motion flowing seamlessly into the next, her holy blade catching the glint of white sky. This slow practiced dance of steel and shadow was not just physical training but a form of moving meditation, each step and strike a manifestation of her prayers and devotions.

Positioned in the sandy training pit she had setup last year, Voah moved with a grace that belied the deadly precision of her technique. Her feet traced the ancient patterns of her training, her body turning and pivoting with the rhythm of her breaths. With each pass of her blade, she recited silent prayers to the Pillars, seeking their guidance and protection.

As she moved, her mind focused on the balance between the physical and the spiritual, her form a conduit for her faith. This ritualistic practice was a way for Voah to center herself, to reconnect with her inner strength and the divine support of her deities.
She performed maneuvers dedicated to each different Pillar, her physical expressions intertwining with her spiritual devotions. A sweeping arc for Kupen’s clarity, a forceful thrust for Vastad’s strength, a graceful step for Hoi’s fertility, each movement a homage to their divine aspects.

Her mind, however, was still as clouded as the autumn sky had become, with thoughts of the impending decision from the Lord Commander and the Purger. As she transitioned from one god to the next, her blade a brilliant silver display, she murmured a prayer for guidance and protection, her voice a soft urgent whisper amid the rustling of autumn leaves.

"Grant me clarity like a cloudless sky, strength like the Kupen's relentless kiss, and peace like the still waters of this pool," she intoned, each word laden with hope and fear about the choices that lay ahead.
After ensuring the guards were convinced of their purpose at the rectory and had resumed their vigilant watch outside, Tarmen and Alexis entered.

They navigated through the quiet corridors of the rectory, the peace of the place almost allowing them to forget the chaotic bustle they had just left behind.

They passed a modest dining hall adorned with motifs of the sun, peaceful rooms bathed in natural light that streamed through skylights or stained-glass, and reflected off mirrors strategically placed to illuminate even the darkest corners.

As they approached the courtyard garden, the sound of Voah’s blade came to them, a rhythmic swish and dampened thud as it sang through the air and met the mark on a training dummy.

The two paused at the edge, witnessing her solitary figure against the backdrop of sunlight and shadow, a lone warrior priestess seeking solace in her faith on the edge of the brewing storm of war.

Their presence unnoticed, they watched for a moment, perhaps in awe of her recent transformation to her once formidable form, or simply respecting her meditation and the gravity of her wait for word from Sir Zane.

Finally Voah stopped, her breath slow and steady, she sheathed her blade and turned to see her friends. A small rollercoaster of emotion thrilled her as she saw the figures and then realized they were friendly.

'Thank the Pillars you're here,' Voah thought, unsure of how much longer she'd have to wait alone... but on the outside she remained stoic and strong.

"Welcome, my friends," she greeted them with a formal bow, her voice steady yet imbued with a relief that was evident only in the slight easing of tension around her eyes. Her posture remained dignified, embodying the strength of the Pillars she so fervently prayed to.

"How... long have you been standing there?" she chuckled somewhat anxiously.

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