A toll of blood

Ostiarium - Stoneshade Keep

In the dimly lit war room of Stoneshade Keep, tension hung as heavily as the thick scent of burning candles. Maps sprawled across a massive oak table detailed the precarious situation of Ostiarium, surrounded by a coming sea of enemy forces. The air crackled with a sense of impending doom as three figures stood in deep deliberation.

Duke Stoneshade, a tall, imposing man with a blonde hair and eyes hardened by years of leadership, leaned over the table. Beside him, Sir Zane, adjusted his grip on the hilt of his sword, a habit that showed his unease. Opposite them, The Purger, clad in the black and crimson robes of the Inquisition, radiated barely contained fury.

"We can't afford to turn away any help," Sir Zane began, his voice calm but firm. "Voah knows the enemy. Her knowledge and skills could help us greatly."

The Purger's eyes blazed with righteous indignation. "She is an heretic! An enemy of the faith! How dare you suggest or consider we trust her over the decrees of the Inquisition?"

Duke Stoneshade raised a hand to forestall further argument. "The situation is dire, Purger. The Odonine and Ozainae outnumber us at least ten to one. We need every advantage we can muster."

The Purger's face contorted with rage. "And you would trust a traitor? An excommunicated blasphemer who consorts with dark magik? Madness! More it is keen to heresy in itself." he said leaving the poorly veilled threat hung in the air.

Sir Zane stepped forward, his voice edged with urgency. "Voah has been touched by Erehuin, the Moon Goddess. She did not fall from faith; We must set aside our differences for the greater good."

The Purger slammed his fist onto the table, rattling the maps and candles. "You speak of heresy! You speak of compromise with the damned! This city is under the watchful eyes of the Pillars. They will not forgive this transgression."

Duke Stoneshade's gaze hardened. "The Pillars have sent us no aid, Purger. We are alone here. If we fall, Ostiarium falls, and with it, our foothold in Arcadia. We have no choice but to use every resource at our disposal. Voah can help us against the native magikers."

The Purger's eyes narrowed. "And what of the Faith? What of the purity of our cause? Will you defile it for the sake of survival?"

A heavy silence fell over the room. The Duke straightened, his decision made. "Yes, Purger. For the sake of our people, for the sake of our city, I will. Voah will be allowed to help during the siege. But make no mistake, if we survive this, she will answer for her actions. She will be arrested and handed over to you." he declared reaching for a compromise.

The Purger's lips curled into a thin, cruel smile. His albino skin seemed to take on a pale scarlet tinge as if he was boiling with rage. "Very well, Duke. I will tolerate this blasphemy for now. But mark my words, heretic blood will cleanse the streets of Ostiarium when this is over." he turned to leave, but not before he left a dire warning to both men. "Whoever's blood that might be..." and he stormed out of the room.

Sir Zane's relief was palpable, though tempered by the grim reality of the situation. "Thank you, Duke. I will inform Voah." he left, knowing their time was running out

As the war room emptied, the Duke remained, staring at the maps. The fate of Ostiarium hung in a delicate balance, and he had just made a gamble that would either save them or damn them all.

Outside the first flakes of snow started to fall on the doomed city...

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