Gearing Up - Reprisal

Ostiarium - Stoneshade Keep Armory
JP with Lucian , Bandorchu, and Omni

Alexis and Tarmen found themselves with the rare privilege of selecting whatever weapons or armor they needed, the result of their reliable service and trust earned from “on high”.

As Kane had already estimated, the suit barely needed any adjustments. As if the blacksmith had designed it with someone of Alexis’s exact stature in mind. It was wild.

It was a brilliant piece of work, she had recognized that even back then. And she had resigned to have to wait for wearing it for a very, very long time, if that was even ever going to happen. Younger her, she mused, way back in Helias, could have only ever dreamed of owning such an armour.

She wondered if she would have wanted it, if she knew of everything she would be going through to arrive at this point.

Shoulda woulda coulda, ey?
Well, here she was, regardless of what-ifs.

She moved about, testing her mobility in her new equipment. It proved to be one hell of an upgrade, unsurprisingly.

“It’s amazing, Kane. Never wore an armour quite like this.”
she declared sincerely.

"Light yet durable. One of my finest pieces. Glad it fits you well,” replied Kane.

Kane stepped back, observing the way the armor suited Alexis and shook his head with a grin of awe and pride. "Well you move like you were born in it. Like it was made for you. Now, let’s make sure you’ve got everything you need. Like the man said. Don’t be shy."


While Alexis was being helped and fitted with the grey suit, a laborer approached Tarmen, ”Been told about the two of you coming in. Need any upgrades or repairs? Or have you come to be re-outfitted with something new?”

He added the next part a little quieter, “You’ve been afforded top tier equipment.”

A part of Tarmen wanted to reject the offer, the same flare of pride he had just seen in the boy resurfacing. After everything though...

"I need a chain shirt and a pair of metal gauntlets. Somethin' light, but enough to slow down an arrow better than my patchwork leather. Speakin' of, I will need help refittin' a new set."

He wasn't wanting to sacrifice the comfort and motion of his old leathers, but their performance over the past year was enough to convince him to sacrifice a bit for some more security. No need to touch up his blade, Tarmen knew that no other person there could care for it better than he did.

The laborer nodded in understanding, his eyes assessing Tarmen’s frame as he considered the specifications. "Certainly, I think we have just what you need." He turned and directed Tarmen to the section of the armory where the grey suit had been displayed.

He pulled out a chain shirt, the links finely woven and shimmering slightly under the armory’s torchlight. "This one’s made from high-grade steel, light enough not to hinder movement but tough enough to take a good beating. And for the gauntlets…" he scanned the finely crafted bracers and gauntlets before producing a pair of sleek, steel ones, "these should do the trick, and shouldn’t have you sacrificing flexibility."

He laid the items out for Tarmen to inspect. "Try those on. If they fit well, we can start adjusting your leathers to integrate with this new gear."

Tarmen held the gauntlets first, memories of having worn metal armor before coming to him. He had always hated how rigid it felt, but he figured decent gauntlets would be better then his arm for stopping blades. He cursed to himself as he slipped them on, feeling a nerve twinge from the arm that had been ravaged more in a year than all of his 20 odd years prior. He nodded to the man to let him know they would be leaving with him.

The chain mail had been chosen well, fitting him comfortably yet tightly enough to assure him it would work.

"These will do."

Tarmen then began shedding his leather armor, leaving him in regular clothing. To him it felt like being in his undergarments, usually only taking his armor off in an inn room or at Greyrivers' estate, and while there was a low chance of attack in the Keep itself, but that was still a chance.

"Treat these with respect or I will replace it with your hide."

“Right…” The laborer gave a nervous laugh and nodded, his expression serious yet slightly apprehensive. "Understood, sir. Your gear will be handled with the utmost care." He assured Tarmen, then gestured towards a nearby workbench. "If you’ll leave your leathers there, we’ll get right to it. Shouldn’t take long."

He carefully took the new armor pieces from Tarmen with a hint of unease, and laid them out on the workbench. "Have you outfitted and ready in no time."


“Well…” Alexis smiled a little to herself, a bit caught up in a sense of nostalgia, as she showed Kane a shield that he probably recognised.

“You might remember yet another of Gonyaul’s gifts. As you can see it served me well, and has the marks to show for it. Think you can touch it up a little?”

“Ah, the Spurius heater. I remember well.” Kane chuckled, taking the shield from Alexis and inspecting the scars and dents.

“Of course, I can have it looking nearly new by this afternoon. A bit of hammering here, some polish there. It’ll hold up just as strong, if not stronger. Given what’s coming, you’ll need it in top shape.”

He set the shield down on his workbench, already reaching for his tools. “I can get started straight away unless there’s anything else you’re looking to add? Or anything else that needs looking at while I’m at it?”

Kane’s enthusiasm to get started on his work was refreshing and Alexis was inclined to let him hammer away, but took a moment to think over his question.

She took very good care of her weapons, and it showed as she unsheathed her sword, but a good blacksmith’s craft could still do it some good. She still had the Ozainae blade if she managed to get into trouble in the meantime, or she could just borrow a sword while Kane was at it. Not handing over her dagger, though. She never let anyone else take care of that, she was not about to start now.

As for additions… she let her gaze travel around the armoury.
They certainly upped their game since last she had been in here, not that there had been many instances that she actually did visit, since she had been more comfortable with the equipment she brought with her from Helias.

She had needed a gambeson after Sentinel that one time, and the other…
Ah yes, she remembered. Jiyn. They had been looking for some more ‘standard’ weapons to add to his repertoire.

She could almost see the young man before her mind’s eye, looking at the assembled weapons, uncomfortable with the idea of changing his fighting style, but determined to meet the expectations of his superiors. In hopes of what, he never said…

Another life lost to the madness, another memory for her to carry as long as she lasted.

“Say…” she started, not really expecting an affirmative, but asking anyway. “…you don’t happen to have some throwing knifes in here, do you?”

“It just so happens…," he moved over to a locked cabinet and pulled out a large ring of keys, selecting one and unlocking the heavy door. Inside, various specialized weapons were neatly arranged, each having its place. He rummaged for a moment before extracting a set of sleek, balanced throwing knives.

"Got these beauties when the last ships came in," Kane said as he laid the set on the counter, spreading them out so Alexis could get a better look. "Supposed to be top notch for precision throwing. Not your average daggers… Mizaran steel. Will those do the trick?"

The throwing knives were impressive. Each blade with a slender, tapering design that promised excellent aerodynamics. The blades gleamed with a faint, white-gold sheen, a hallmark of the high-quality Mizaran steel. Along the flat of each blade, intricate etchings were carefully carved, adding both to their aesthetic and their utility.

Alexis really had expected a big fat ‘no’ and was suitably amazed when Kane presented his knives.

she couldn’t help but exclaim.

After making sure he was alright with it, she carefully picked up one of the knives for closer inspection.

Appraisingly weighing it in her hand she chuckled and looked up at Kane with a half smile.

“Are they supposed to be that beautiful? Gotta take some serious willpower to actually throw them.”

Kane let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing around the metal and stone of the armory. “Ah, they’re beauties, aren’t they?"

Handling one of the knives, Kane allowed its polished surface to catch the light. “Mizarans do aim to dazzle. Praise Kupen and all that. They believe everything they create should leave an impression, from their architecture to their fashion, and of course, their weapons. An old Mizaran smith once told me many of these pieces are crafted in the Shrine city of Vastad or at least in a forge specially dedicated to the God of War and Justice. Said, ‘It’s not just about function; it’s an art form, and also a devotion to the Pillars. To craft beautiful things in their name and strive for godliness ourselves.’”

He set the knife down gently and added with a wink, “Now don’t let their looks fool you. They’re more than just show, I assure you. Good to have by your side.”

His words reflected the description of a human Mizaran weapon Alexis and Tarmen knew well. Alexis couldn’t help but think of both Jiyn and Voah.

Kane continued, “Balance, durability, and the kind of sharpness that’ll stick into whatever you aim at. I’m sure they’ll do you well if you’ve got the skill to use ‘em.”

“Ain’t that the truth.”

Alexis agreed, not really talking about the blades.

She reverently took the beautiful knives.

“Not a master by a long shot. But I like to think I have been shown the ropes by one.”

"Well I certainly hope they treat you well with what's coming," replied Kane. "Right then. Let's get the two of you finished gearing up and you can come collect the rest in a couple hours time."

"Well I certainly hope they treat you well with what's coming," replied Kane. "Right then. Let's get the two of you finished gearing up and you can come collect the rest in a couple hours time."

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