
Sentinel Island - Jungle Northeast of Zar'Tir
JP with Lorem and Omni

“Take cover!” Draza shouted, her own hands weaving an intricate pattern in the air. With a flash, a crackling protective of air and lightning bowed out around her like a shield, deflecting the next wave of attacks. It was lucky that the Vaux's nullifying ability did not hinder her spellcasting.

Through the thick foliage, glimpses of the Kidata could be seen, figures moving swiftly and silently, their forms barely discernible amidst the dense jungle. Some with painted faces and tribal clothes blended with the surroundings, making them difficult to pinpoint.

Ylja clung to Gonyaul’s side, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and determination. “We must reach the wards!” she cried.

Heegen nodded, sending a series of his own magikal pulses of condensed air into the trees to force their attackers back. “Forward! We’re nearly there!” he commanded.

The group moved as one, keeping close and making their way through the dense jungle under pursuit. Each step brought them closer to the protective boundary afforded by the warding posts.

As they neared the standing markers, the attacks began to wane. The enchantments of the pillars visibly absorbing the magikal energy into their runes, causing the etching to emit a white glow. The group rushed through the boundary.

Once inside the safety of the warded area, Draza and Heegen stood vigilant, ensuring no enemy had followed. The Kidata stopped about 20 ft short of the barrier posts, their figures barely visible in the shadows. They continued to fire arrows until their prey moved out of view before finally retreating into the back into the jungle.

“Though art unharmed!”, cried Eshaiah as Jorveth stood by in awe. Ylja simply smiled.

Draza’s gaze fell on Gonyaul as she inspected him for wounds. “Good. Then it seems your muscle is functioning in some capacity.”

Heegen nodded approvingly. “Aye. Their fire was broken upon him. His presence may prove more valuable than we first thought. Come, let us return swiftly. The village must be warned of this aggression.”

Gonyaul placed his foraging supplies down on the ground once it was clear they had reached safety. His skin glistened with the sweat brought about from exertion in a humid climate; however, unlike the Kr’ull Jungle, it was evaporating quicker due to the breeze coming in from the sea. His breathing slowed down simultaneously as his mind ramped up. His memory replaying the syncopated snips of seeing the Kidata racing after them off to the side. With all the confinement he had endured, his chest burned and his mouth had a slight coppery taste in it.

He felt slightly embarrassed that he was receiving so much attention; feeling a little like a horse being appraised for value. It was also interrupting him trying to go to the others and make sure they were alright. He tried to thank Heegen and Draza for their heroic efforts, but they were not in the mood for positive affirmation and had already transitioned into the next dutiful task.

Gonyaul obliged and picked up his responsibilities to continue back to the village. Once they began moving again he spoke to Ylja, the most approachable of the group, “Your neighbor’s hospitality could use improvement.”

A nervous giggled surfaced from the young girl, “Aye, they are most unwelcoming.”

As they neared the overlook, the atmosphere gradually shifted from one of tension to a more secure calm. The thatched roofs that trickled down the hill in the village was a comforting sight as they left the jungle. The villagers who noticed their return greeted them with relief, quickly gathering to hear news of the day’s foraging and any signs of the Kidata.

Draza and Heegen took charge, reporting the encounter and ensuring the safety of their people. Gonyaul was bidden to help the others distribute the gathered supplies. It was a day of accomplishment despite the dangers.

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