A Successful Harvest

Sentinel Island - Jungle Northeast of Zar'Tir
JP with Lorem and Omni

Following quietly behind the trail of Zilantyces, Draza, Jorveth, Ylja, Gonyaul, Eshaiah, and Heegen were led to a clearing with an abundance of the Moonshadow Berries.

Draza and Heegen stood watch as the others made quick work of their harvests. Finding the Frost leaves and Ilyra’s special melons wasn’t difficult, as this part of the jungle was ripe with the stuff.

Though it was easy work, the jungle was humid and full of insects, some that enjoyed the taste of human blood. The group sat down to rest as they made their way back toward the village, Gonyaul finding a seat on a large boulder partly obscured by large ferns.

The jungle had been a cacophony of sounds, from the chittering of unseen creatures to the rustling of leaves overhead. The air had been thick with humidity, making every breath feel heavy. Draza and Heegen had stood at the edge of the clearing, eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Their weapons had been at the ready, glinting dully in the filtered light that managed to pierce through the dense canopy.

Jorveth had knelt beside a cluster of Moonshadow Berries, his fingers deftly plucking the ripe fruits from their stems. His movements had been precise, each berry carefully placed into a woven basket slung over his shoulder. Nearby, Ylja had been working with equal efficiency, her hands moving in a blur as she gathered the plump, midnight-blue berries. Her long hair had been tied back, but a few strands had clung to her damp forehead.

Eshaiah, with a keen eye for detail, had moved slightly apart from the others. He had been searching for the Frost leaves, their silvery hue standing out against the vibrant green of the jungle foliage. He had bent down to inspect each leaf, ensuring its quality before adding it to his collection. The leaves had to be perfect, their edges crisp and unmarred, for their medicinal properties to be fully effective.

Gonyaul had moved more slowly, his attention divided betwixt the task at hand and the wonders of the jungle around him. He had always been fascinated by the natural world, and the rich diversity of plant life here had been a source of endless curiosity. He had paused occasionally to examine an unusual flower or a particularly intricate vine, his fingers brushing lightly over their surfaces. Eventually, he had focused on the task, filling his basket with Moonshadow Berries and the rare Ylara’s special melons, which he had found growing on thick, winding vines.

Eshaiah had called out softly, “Found a patch of Frost leaves over here. Caution, they’re embraced by stinging nettles.”

Ylja, unfazed by the potential danger, had joined him. With careful precision, she had used a small knife to cut the leaves free, avoiding the nettles’ painful sting. Her movements had been practiced, born of many such foraging trips.

As the group had worked, the jungle had seemed to close in around them. The air had been alive with the buzz of insects, many of which had found the newcomers’ sweat and exposed skin irresistible. Swatting away a persistent mosquito, Jorveth had muttered under his breath, “I swear, these bugs are growing ever more aggressive.”

Heegen had glanced at Gonyaul, who had been curiously untouched by the swarm of insects. “Why do these pests not trouble thee, Gonyaul?”

Gonyaul had smiled and reached into his basket, pulling out a citrus fruit. “’Tis a trick I learnt whilst growing up in the Krull jungle.” He had opened the fruit, the sharp tang of citrus filling the air, and began rubbing the juicy halves over his exposed skin. “The bugs do loathe the juices and scent. It keeps them at bay.”

The others had watched with interest as Gonyaul had continued, “There are other methods too, but this one’s the easiest when one hath the proper fruit at hand.”

Draza, standing alert at the edge of the clearing, had glanced over at the others. “Let us make haste. The longer we tarry, the greater the peril.”

The group had worked in relative silence, the only sounds being the occasional murmur of conversation, the rustle of leaves, and the steady plink-plink of berries and leaves being collected. The baskets had slowly filled with their bounty, the combined aroma of Moonshadow Berries, Frost leaves, and melons creating a heady, sweet fragrance.

Heegen, ever the practical one, had kept his eyes on the surrounding jungle. “Once we are done here, we should head straight back. No detours.”

Eshaiah had nodded in agreement. “We have what we need. No sense in lingering.”
As the final baskets had been filled, the group had gathered their supplies and prepared to leave the clearing. The sun had been beginning its descent, casting long shadows across the forest floor. With one last, lingering look at the clearing, Gonyaul had hefted his basket and followed the others back along the trail they had come.

The journey back had been slower, the weight of their harvest adding to their fatigue. They had paused to rest as they neared the village, finding a small, shaded glen. Gonyaul had spotted a large boulder partially obscured by ferns and gratefully sank down onto it, the cool stone a welcome relief against his tired muscles. The others had settled nearby, taking the opportunity to catch their breath and sip from their water flasks.

For a moment, the jungle’s incessant noise had seemed to fade, leaving only the soft sounds of their breathing and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. It had been a brief respite, but it had been enough to rejuvenate their spirits for the final leg of their journey back to the village.

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