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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Trepidations and Agreements
JP with Omni and Cindy
Silina was deep in breakfast and conversation with some others of the Aroka Sept, when Amastan approached the Aroka encampment. Like Silina, Amastan was a known air weaver of Viher, and an emissary of Sister Locust. Her presence was unexpected and her arrival stirred a sense of unease within the camp.
“Silina of the Aroka,” Amastan began, her voice clear and respectful, “Sister Locust requests your presence. She wishes to speak with you on matters of importance.”
The invitation was formal, laced with the undercurrents of urgency that such a summon typically entailed. Silina nodded, her mind already racing with the possibilities and implications of this call. With a measured tone, she responded, “Certainly. I will come immediately.”
She was being summoned to see Sister Locust. Had she done something wrong?
With one last uncertain look at her group, Silina wiped her hands on a cloth and turned and followed Amastan, putting herself together as best she could. Her stride straightened to a more purposeful and composed. The walk to Sister Locust’s tent was a silent journey, filled with the unsaid words and unasked questions that hovered between the two. Upon reaching the entrance, Amastan bowed slightly and stepped aside, allowing Silina to enter the space of their leader.
Sister Locust sat on a tall chair, being she was short, it allowed her an illusion of being taller, which helped with command. Aquzul and Izdärasen stood to one side with Amastan quickly joining them.
Kaithak, who cocked his head, upon seeing Silina sat in his usual spot on the Sister's shoulder.
Silina knelt down in front of Sister Locust, before anyone said anything.
"Silina of the Aroka, please rise." Sister Locust said, giving the woman a chance to do so before continuing. "It has been a long time, it seems, since we have seen each other. I hear you have taken up the mantle, among some as a leader of sorts." She then allowed Silina to respond.
Silina rose, her posture reflecting both respect and a hint of trepidation. She met Sister Locust’s gaze, noting the assertive yet calm demeanor of the young Prophetess. “I suppose I have. I do not wish to offend you, Sister Locust,” Silina acknowledged, her voice steady. “It is unexpected, but… I will admit, it is not unwelcome.”
Her eyes briefly flickered to the bird of prey perched on Islana’s shoulder, then back, as she continued.
"It is not unwelcome by me as well, the Horde is quite large and from what I understand you have a decent number of people who look up to you. I also understand, while you might not understand everything I do, you are not actively working against me." Sister Locust waited to see how Silina responded to that.
Internally, Silina wrestled with her memories of Islana during the trials, the surprise of her ascension, and the complex feelings it stirred. She had certainly been upset and even wished Islana to come to harm at one point, but those thoughts were never voiced aloud. The attempts on her life were not Silina's doing either, though she was silently glad to hear of it. Silina was still finding her place, her role in the Ozainae, and not as a handmaiden to a foreign woman who had somehow been chosen instead. It didn't make sense that the Twins would choose her. What was their plan?
Silina was still very much a young woman trying to make sense of a world that had rapidly changed around her. Here she sat now, before her extant rival. She had to keep her words measured. Silina had to put that behind her, shove down the restless feelings of uncertainty. Sister Locust had certainly caught wind of the feelings of the Aroka and other Septs that followed them, otherwise, why had she been summoned here?
She still didn't know if she could bring herself to fully trust Islana, but Silina could not deny that the woman was a leader and protector. She showed as much during the trial.
Silina spoke with a cautious but direct tone, "I've been thinking a lot since the trials. Seeing how things have unfolded, it's... it's a lot to take in. I'm just trying to understand and do what's best for my people.”
Sister Locust remained quiet for several moments. "There are more than a few who are unsure of the Twins choice. I understand there being some questions as to why I was who they choose. But it was their will or I would not be in the position I am. I do not begrudge those who seek to understand things better. I only begrudge those actively working against me. Not because it's against me, but because it is against the Twins and it divides the Horde." Her green eyes met Silina’s brown ones. "Would you agree a Horde that is divided in that manner is not as strong as one who remains steadfast in their goal, and worries about such things more after the Horde has won and driven the foreigners out?" Her tone was questioning but firm at the same time. Before, she handed over reigns of the Horde that would come from the south, Sister Locust needed to be certain she had some amount of trust in Silina.
It was as if the Seer had read her mind, not just in her doubts, but in her feelings of keeping the Horde united. Silina had heard the othered speaking out openly against Islana, but all she did was listen. None of them had plots against the Sister, and they all agreed that splitting from the Horde was a betrayal against the Ozainae and the Twins. She knew, though, that they watched and waited for the first to sign of a trap. They would be the first to come for Islana if something was off once they got to the stone city.
“We are of the same mind on this, Sister. So long as it is the path the Twins have set for the Ozainae.”
"Well, then I have an appointment for you. I need someone to lead a group separated out from the Horde, of about 1,000, that will attack the Stone City from the south. I would like you to be in charge of that group." The leader explained. "Is this something you would be willing to undertake knowing the great responsibility it is?”
Silina's initial reaction was one of surprise and contemplation. Her brow furrowed slightly as she processed Sister Locust’s request. They had just discussed the importance of keeping the Sand Horde as one, but now she spoke of parting, though… this was clearly a strategy. She couldn’t help but think of Ch’Truta’s drawing in the sand.
What Islana was asking would be a significant responsibility, one that would test her leadership and loyalty. Yet, it was also an opportunity to prove her dedication to the Twins.
After a brief moment of reflection, she nodded in firm affirmation, “If it is the will of the Twins and you trust us with this task, Sister, I will lead the group to the south. We will strike with the force of Viher’s sands. I accept this responsibility.”
"Very good, I will send Raud as one of your seconds the Red Crows will follow his command and they are familiar with that terrain. I will also send one healer and one bonecaster with you." The young leader thought for a moment. "Please choose your other second in command, but pick wisely. We will split after reaching the winter passage." Word had gone out from the Sister, a few days ago, that Horde would leave for the winter passage tomorrow. So, she assumed Silina knew that.
Upon hearing Raud and the Red Crowd mentioned, Silina’s expression turned to a hint of curiosity and calculation. While she had caught wind of the Odsier tribe, she’d had no interactions with them personally. Yet, Silina understood the strategic value of their inclusion and masked any apprehension with a measured nod. She needed to show confidence.
The addition of a healer and bone caster to their ranks suggested a well-meaning and thought out plan. Silina saw this as evidence that Islana really was being considerate, rather than setting them up for a trap or failure. This realization brought a subtle sense of ease to the young Sept, her mind already scanning for potential candidates for her second in command.
With a more composed demeanor than she had entered the tent with, Silina confirmed her commitment to the newly appointed task and responsibility.
“We will ready ourselves,” she said with confidence. “I will choose my second with care and consideration.”
"Very good, we will reconvene after we reach the winter passage. For now though you are dismissed." Sister Locust knew Silina had things to do and decide.
Silina bowed and headed back to her camp with an unexpected smile forming and a good feeling starting to warm up her heart like the sands under her feet. Now came the hard part of convincing the others that Islana meant well for them.