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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Losing A Little At A Time
The sound of music could be heard from the square which lay out in front of the temple, songs praising the twins, and her. Sister Locust. Soon she would address her people, everyone in the city would come. Thousands of people, the city had had a boom in births during the last Sister and now all of those children were almost grown, they would all be falling to adulthood shortly.
She herself had come of age this year, however, it didn’t mean as much when one's soul encompass thousands of years. The dark haired woman with the olive complexion, dressed in her silk robes with the symbols of the twins adoring the sleeves.
“It is time sister,” they await.” Stepping out onto the balcony, a hush grew over the crowd, the city had become silent as the faithful dropped to their knees. She was beloved, maybe not by all but certainly by most.
“Greetings ….”
“Sister Locust, Sister…” Islana was brought out of her dream but the sound of Aquzul’s voice. It wasn’t however a dream, it felt like she had been placed there among the memories of that sSister. A daydream of sorts but one that felt very real.
The young redheaded leader had no idea when these memories that were not her own would overtake her. She had no control over what she saw or how long they lasted. It was always the same, not the same memory, but a memory of a different Sister, and her being brought back by the voice of one her advisors.
“Are you alright Sister?” Amastan asked.
“Yes, thank you. I am sorry, what are we talking about? Oh, yes when to move the Horde.” Sister Locust said, to the worried looks on her advisors' faces. She wondered how long before one of them pulled her aside and asked what was really going on. How would she even answer that?
“Yes, Sister,” Amastan said. “When and what plan do we have once we get there.”
“We can’t stay here much longer,” Islana responded. “I don’t want to put any more of a burden on the good people of Desdem. When we get there we’ll need to contact Koshnem and Shalia Nix and speak with them regarding plans but we’ll also have to move quickly, we do not want the foreigners of the stone city to get the edge on us.” The leader thought for a moment." Three days. Let the Horde know we’re moving to the winter passage in three days.”