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View character profile for: Islana Annora
The Gifts We Have (Part Two)
JP with Omni and Cindy
Sister Locust understood Berus's words perhaps more than some. It seemed as if his gift was all encompassing.
She supposed, possibly, at some point the past Sisters might be as well. Though, the way she felt now was different. "I do understand. I have two sides, one I believe is more like yours though not exactly the same. The Sisters are very old, I carry them with me every where, but I don't control when they give me their wisdom. That side is much older than my years." Islana paused. "In the other I am still Islana, though even that side is older than my years in some ways, the two sides aren't the same."
One older due to that who dwell inside of her, the other older because of all she had experienced throughout her life.
"I am not going to ask you of any future glimpses of the war. I can't stop the path already chosen, so whatever you were to say would likely change nothing. Frankly, I don't want to know what will be when it comes to all of that." The Sister was worried about having to fight one of her friends, it was probably the one thing that concerned her the most. She didn't relish the idea of killing innocent people, either and hoped that the bloodshed could be kept to a minimum but it didn't change how strongly she felt the war was the only way to drive out the Helians and to keep them from trying to take over all of Arcadia. Knowing the future wouldn't change any of that.
"I do perhaps have a different question however. Have you seen me in any of your visions that have more to do with the Horde, how some are let us say not happy I was chosen." The attempt on her life had taken place here on the sands outside of Desdem, Islana highly doubted that it was a secret it had occurred. She just wanted a heads-up in case anyone was planning something similar.
Berus listened intently to Islana's explanation of the dual nature brewing within her. He knew she had the desire to know more about the fate of her friends, but the more immediate concerns were of her leadership and the unrest within the Horde.
"The omens are not always visions... but in them you are a beacon. A figure of unity and change, but as with all change, it stirs both harmony and discord. The omens hint of tensions, of challenges within the Horde, not all are content or understand the path the Twins have chosen for you."
He paused, choosing his words with care, aware of the weight they carried. "While specific plots or plans against you have not been revealed to me, the omens caution of the need for vigilance. Your leadership is a turning point, and with it comes the task of managing the beliefs and ambitions within your ranks. For many, they believe you work against the Twins, the Ozainae, and Arcadia, and will have their eyes on you and their arms ready to turn until finally they are proven wrong."
Berus offered Islana a reassuring look. "The omens also show me the strength that surrounds you. Allies, seen and unseen, who stand ready to support your mission in the east. Your path is not without its hurdles, but you are not alone in facing them. Trust in those who have shown themselves to be true, and keep your spirit open to the guidance of the Sisters within you."
He leaned forward slightly, emphasizing his next words. "The future is an unfinished tapestry... woven from the actions of today. Use your intuition, your connection with the Sisters, and your bond with the land and its creatures... these are your tools. Use them to navigate the uncertainties.”
Islana heeded Berus's words with great interest. She knew she had allies, those that had proven themselves loyal. Amastan and Aguzul, Izdärasen and the most recent edition of Ch'Truta currently with her as her most trusted advisors. Tamazzalt who taken the reigns in Gra'akast, had saved her life. Wouldn't be fighting with them, but the past Sister's especially the most recent one thought of him as loyal. Then of course there was Khaithak and the Skelep. Not just them but the many, 1,000s, who at least believed enough to follow her into war even if it might be for the Twins, and their way of life. Those were the ones with her. Then there was Shalia the two had a certain bond, an unspoken trust between them but Islana was fully aware Shalia had her loyalty mostly towards her people - the Odonine, especially Koshnem.
Islana didn't know the unknown the ones, ones who might prove themselves later but knowing they were out there helped to ease her mind a little.
The redheaded took a breath and nodded to Berus's words. "I will certainly remember and use that advice. Thank you, Berus."
Aguzul came in to the tent to check on the two, but said nothing. However, Sister Locust knew a signal when there was one. "I am afraid though that it is getting late. While my advisors can certainly go to bed before I do, at least one them will stay up until I do." She leaned in with a smile. "It is usually Aguzul." It was understandable given their had already been an attempt on her life. "I did enjoy speaking with you.”
“It was an honor to meet with you Islana, Sister Locust.” he nodded in deference, then shortly took his leave back to his home and his dogs.
Berus’ had seen more, of course, but there were a few reasons for his omissions. For one, some omens were still too unclear to make certain judgements. Secondly, he learned young that it was unwise to make oneself too available for divining for people in power. For when fortunes turned ill for them, things often turned ill for the prophet. Falling out of favor was the least of one’s concerns.
There would be a great shift in power, this Berus knew well. And such things happened in war. What was more, he saw that a betrayal would come from both behind and in front of Sister Locust, but the one to strike ultimately hinged on the edge of a blade (or hammer). Islana was right in part, while there were some things that could be changed, this one was inevitable. It was just as well she said herself that she did not wish to know the future.