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Sentinel Island - Haven

The old woman listened to the tale intently, keeping her eyes on the young man and his demeanour, and judging the veracity of his words. She looked at her daughter, standing tall above both of them and saw the same concern in her features that were troubling her mother, her warrior spirit urged her to remain cautious and sceptical of the enemy.

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion as she studied the prisoner's every move, wary of deception and manipulation. She believed that trusting the enemy could endanger their people and compromise their cause. Her mother was not so sure. When she looked upon the young man she felt no deception.

He had shared much and what he had offered, truth or lie, would be used to decided if he could be trusted. But her curiosity was not sated yet. Neither of theirs was. They needed more. They needed to know what this meant for all their people. The last survivors of Allos.

"What about you, young Vaux?" she asked. "What brought you to these shores and how many more of your people are here? Does the War still rages in Helias?"

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