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View character profile for: Wim Riese
Cores, pulp, and a mystery vial
Wim returned home int the evening to find a recipe for apple cider and for apple cider vinegar and a bill for a food mill. To press the juice. He ended up investing into big copper pots and cheese cloth. It would take days to get this up to speed. A bushel of apples made three gallons of juice which needed to be heated to keep people from being sick. Justice could be turned into cider. Cider could be fermented into hard cider and if you ferment it long enough vinegar.
Between the apple products and the paper, and book making it looked like he was going to earn some money. It was a good start to cover his tracks.
While thinking about his next scheme, Wim pulled out one of the vials. He could not help himself anymore. He uncorked one and tasted it, it did not seem like poison so he drank it.