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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Into the Hole
Sentinel Island - Horse Bay
Gonyaul wasn't sure yet what to make of this woman. In his opinion, there seemed to be a nobility of purpose in her body language and expression. She had a level of self discipline that he could relate to.
He thought, ~Perhaps to wield such forces, as she demonstrated on the beach, one must be in order to shoulder such power.~ Yet, his imagination was whispering that perhaps it was more some other responsibilities which gave her this edge. Gonyaul finally got a glance at the others around him, perhaps she had a servant-oriented heart for those she cared about? Her people?
He was certain that her story was an interesting one; however, he may not get the opportunity to ask such questions. With but a tilt of her head she commanded he be brought away. Was she in charge and delegating for what would happen next? Or was she just passing him up the food chain, to those that had tasked her to retrieve him?
Time would tell.
Two strong men came up to Gonyaul and lifted him to his feet. They weren’t very gentle initially; however, since he didn’t resist at all, they found it rather easy to manipulate the young man where they were taking him. They appreciated that the captive was cooperating but said nothing, though they showed their gratitude by not getting rough or violent.
The Vaux easily could see how he could take down both men before they knew what hit them, or even have a prayer in physically responding. Practice had honed such awareness and confidence. In fact, one of the final tests to become an adult in the eyes of his people were to be able to defend and redirect two waves of four opponents; eight in total, signifying the cardinal points of a compass. It was no small feat to do with nothing but your bare hands, hence why it typically took thirteen years of daily training to get to that point.
Why did most that knew Gonyaul think him a helpless fool in a fight? Because unlike most, he genuinely reserved the option to fight as a last resort. If he could flee or do anything else, even if embarrassing at times, to prevent an escalation of violence it was a price he would gladly pay. Therefore, he decided not to bring harm to the two men transporting him. They were doing their job well and did not deserve to be interrupted. Plus, getting past them would no doubt not bode well for him and earn him a strong rebuttal from the rest of the village. That was beyond his scope to handle. Gonyaul let his stratagem fade.
It wasn’t long before they brought him to what looked to be a hole in the ground. The excavated space was roughly round and 5 meters by 5 meters around, as well as 5 meters deep. It was capped with a very heavy wooden cover which left whatever was inside exposed to the elements. In addition, the space was cold, damp and he deduced that when the tide rises water might even flood the space. It was unpleasant, uncomfortable and ominous all rolled into one.
They didn’t have to force him in. Gonyaul entered willingly. He appeared brave, but only because he was a good actor. In truth, he was terrified and trying to reign in his emotions. It took all his Vauxian training to keep it together admits the overwhelming uncertainty of his situation.
Once inside, the heavy wooden lid was closed. He was alone, cold, and in a prison well suited to keep its wards put. His fate was undetermined, though it didn’t bode well. Gonyaul had to force the negative thoughts from his mind. He knelt down into a meditative pose, closed his eyes and began to deep dive to a place inside himself his captors could not follow. He would find his center and then, if still uninterrupted, he would spend his next moments learning every nook and cranny of his new home.