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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Before Meeting the Culprits
For the kind of wound, Islana had received from the fire, to heal with no scar would have been impossible. That was if it wasn’t for the healer. There were moments of pain in the healing but knowing it would be better did make a difference. Hours and hours of the man’s continuous work and she was left with a patch of new skin, while slightly tender it was definitely better than if it had to heal on its own.
To the healer’s instructions, Amastan found some extra silk scarfs and moistened them then help Islana put the damp soft material on her arm. Islana thanked the healer, just before Izdärasen came in announcing that the culprits had been caught. Sister Locust’s gaze went to her own clothing, still in the singed nightwear that had been worn to bed.
Izdärasen for his part must have sensed the two women needed a moment and mentioned he would wait outside. Amastan as if reading Islana’s mind offered some robes for the leader to use, which Sister Locust gratefully accepted. The robes were a little long on the petite woman but with a few carefully placed ties, they were made to work.
Upon stepping out of the tent, emerald eyes caught sight of what had been her pavilion. Seeing if anything could be salvaged would have to wait. Upon asking Sister Locust was told that Agizul was already by the perpetrators. As Islana walked with Amastan and Izdärasen and a few guards, the Sk’elep trailed behind the guards and Kathak rode on the woman's shoulder.
Well, guarded it appeared and that allowed her mind to slightly drift. Another bow gone, that would make bow number 7, granted two of those were sold for different bows but still. While they had weapon masters with the Horde that could build her a new one, it was still on the side of annoyance. Then came the real and more important fact. Three times since coming to Acadia someone had actively tried to end her life the Creed, the Herald, and now this group. Did the Skara count?
It had gone from attempted murder on her life to an attempted assassination given the woman’s current status. Really moving up in the world. A sarcastic voice echoed inside of her.
A few minutes later and she arrived, to where those responsible awaited. Heavily guarded and with Agizul awaiting the Sister’s appearance. The water bearer bowed which was acknowledged before her gaze landed on those who attempted to end her life.