
Rarak Oasis

A few days after her last assembly with her closest advisers, Islana rode the Sk'elep at the head of her army.

The Sand Horde reminded her of a bloated constrictor snake slowly and steady, slithering across the burning sands of the Great Desert of Skulls, towards its prey.

The logistics of such a large group of people were almost overwhelming sometimes. Before this journey started she had never seen so many people gathered together. Not even on the largest of the cities she had passed by. Looking back the the army trailing her, it seemed so long ago, the life of another, her struggles her hurts, her disappointments. It all seemed so small now. So far away.

At times like this she would feel like she would swoon and almost fall at the enormity of her situation.

Here she was. Half way across the desert to gather more blades and warriors to her holy cause.

Tonight she would dine with the leader of the Sept. While most of the army settled around the oasis for the night. She could already smell the roasted meat in the air...


Silina dropped her bags on the sand, bone weary and tired from the day's march. They were halfway across the desert. When her pilgrimage had started she had never imagined she would be crossing its sands so soon after. The Penitents that survived the Pilgrimage of Bones but we're not chosen to be the new incarnation of Sister Locust almost always joined the ranks of the Sorcerer-Priests of the Wandering. Spending the rest of their lives in the service of the Twins.

But her Trial and the new Seer had left a sour taste in her mouth. She had still elected to join the Horde and fight the the enemies from across the sea. The scriptures she had lived her young life by demand that. And because of this she could not bring herself to trust the red hair woman. Why could the Twins have chosen a foreigner to be their holy leader?

Silina had not told anyone so far about her gifts. She would keep that a secret. Those with the gift of the Twins did not survive long outside the ranks. She knew now she was not the only one with doubts about the new Sister Locust. They had been quite so far but many did not trust her. Not yet. Maybe they would never truly do. So in the last few weeks she had gravitated towards those that harboured the same doubts she did.

Those that were watching keenly what the red hair woman was doing. Getting ready if she was leading the Horde into a trap...

< Prev : Life or death... Next > : A hint of solace