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View character profile for: Islana Annora
There was a connection with the Sk’elep that was more mind oriented than the words the new Sister Locust spoke. It hung in the air, felt by all present.
Islana had connections with animals her entire life but none stronger than that of Kaithak, River, who was still missed as one would a good friend, and the Sk’elep. It was to be expected that as her power grew so would the connections. These particular animals had a stronger connection with Islana than most upon meeting them. It was why she chose River in the first place. Kaithak had been gifted to her so maybe that connection was destined. The Sk’elep was different than the other two, it had to choose the redheaded witch and apparently, it had done just that.
Still, when it lowered itself slightly, and the overwhelming feeling to get on the back of the large creature hit the young woman, it was surprising, even to Sister Locust herself. There wasn’t hesitation beyond a quick making certain that this was what the Sk’elep wanted before the petite fire-haired prophetess pushed herself up over its back and sat on it.
She gently used her shins and words to get it to move forward toward the people behind her. There was still silence as she drew closer to the Horde. The new Sister Locust riding a Sk’elep (a mysterious creature of the desert), a falcon on her shoulder, her bow and quiver with her. It was a sight and one which the people’s only response seemed to be to fall to the ground in worship. If they thought her a divine presence before, this solidified it even more.
“This is a Ske’elp. He had decided to join our cause. He is to be treated always with respect.” Kaithak had already been made known to the Horde before the march so she wasn’t leaving him out, it just wasn’t necessary to repeat it “Let us thank the Twins for our blessings.” A few moments were given for people to give their own individual thanks and prayers. “Please everyone rise. Let us continue our march forward.”
With that Sister Locust rode to the front of the Horde, Amastan and Agizul flanking either side, her retinue close behind her. The camels seemed unfazed by the new edition to the group. She glanced back just once and then looking forward raised her arm above her head making a decisive forward motion with her opened palm, the command came from her lips.. “Qadam Aman.”
Qadam Aman - the command to continue forward