Characters in this post

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Ever Onward
JP with Bandorchu, Omni, and LucianNepreen
Tarmen grunted, not sure if he really had it in him to dig in or just follow along. His callousness had served him well, but more often lately it had backfired spectacularly…
The mention of Zane flared an ember of his ego, again fighting the idea of relying on such a pompous, boot-licki-
Tarmen shook his head, realizing this was the same shit he was just thinking of. Still, he couldn’t say he trusted the man any more than he could throw him.
He looked at her with a tired resolution.
“And you think these same people will abandon the sacrifices of their friends and comrades? They will see Islana as a heretic and a traitor that will die on Helian steel, if anything it will steel their resolve to see the Horde vanquished.”
He stood awkwardly, not able to empathize like the others could and firm in seeing the world from a more practical stance. He knew the resolve of their people and the faith they held that allowed them to weather any storm.
"There is no question that our people must be warned and if that means telling Sir Zane, then so be it. For all I know I may be a beacon of danger for you all, but I am with you so long as you are still willing to risk my presence and the possible consequences from aiding me.
I am confident enough to approach within proximity of Ostiarium... I could pull off any Helian disguise far better than an Arcadian one... But... I admit I am afraid I don't understand the power and reach of the... Pillars." she said the last word softly, cautiously, pausing for a moment and involuntarily opening her perception to any change. She shook off the paranoia and continued.
"I can no longer run from my fears... I shall remain pliable... and I will go or stay... wherever you need me, Gatana."
Tarmen couldn’t decide if he thought their plan was foolish or not, truly second guessing himself. It all rubbed him the wrong way and there was nothing right now that would get rid of the feeling.
If they were set on warning Ostiarium, then so be it. Maybe it truly was the path of “weaker” minds that would prove superior.
Either way, he respected Voah’s resolve, even if going along with them only worsened his unease.
“Fine. Won’t be much trouble gettin’ close to him if he is there. Just make it a simple report. I am still against Voah being closer than the walls though, seems like we’d be beggin’ for trouble then.”
"My disguise may likely falter on anyone who has seen the four of us together in the past. So I have no problem hanging back." agreed Voah.
Alexis gently took Voah’s hand, and squeezed it carefully, keeping her grip loose to allow her to withdraw.
It was heartbreaking to see her this way, cut off from the gods she once had served wholeheartedly.
She did hear Tarmen. She really did. The Helians were far from innocent. They had invited this disaster. Even though it seemed the Horde was quite unfit to be the heroes of the piece. They had marched on Fang, too. She wondered if they had had a convenient prophecy to justify that, as well.
But just turn her back on Ostiarium? Not care a bit about their fate? She didn’t know if she could do that.
“So Ostiarium for now, with growing wariness the nearer we draw. Who knows what we get thrown at us before we even get there.”
She summed it up.
"Indeed." Voah nodded, looking to the woman.
She returned a squeeze, clinging to it for a moment longer, trying to convey to the mercenary how much she appreciated her kindness and understanding. That she appreciated Alexis' support. It felt good to know that all of them had her back in one way or another. They were her newfound family; her new Pillars.