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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Taking Advice
The voices of 2,000 years inside of the new Sister Loctus seemed to agree with Agizul, they clearly did not like Islana’s plan at all. Maybe, it was just her fear thinking it was the Skara. She was the Prophetess but that did not mean she couldn’t be wrong.
After taking a moment to hear out both Agizul and Amastan, the young woman needed to think. Logically, it did not make much sense to make herself bait but there needed to be a way to figure out what was stalking the camp. It was clear how that could be done without the danger, at least to her. Fear crept in about what might happen, but she also hated being left with this constant state of worry about using her magik.
“I can not be sure that it’s the Skara,” Islana realized, “It feels strongly like it is.” She ushered the two to walk back with her, the guards following after them.
As they continued back to her pavilion, the Sister made her decision known, “I will instead try to contact the creature tonight, from my pavilion, using my magik. I want both of you to be there. I still want double guards around the perimeter until we know what we are dealing with..”
It was easy to see most people were waiting on the word to move out, looking towards the sky, it was getting to mid-morning and they needed to go. Her pavilion wasn’t torn down yet but there were people who did that for her, and they were quick about it. “Let everyone know we head out in an hour,”
Right before the two Priests left, the redhead stopped them, “Your advice is always welcome. I can’t guarantee I’ll always agree with it but I will hear you both out.” After all what good was having advisors if they didn’t feel free to actually advise?
Amastan and Agizul then left. The people in charge of tearing down her pavilion came over and soon enough things were packed, the pavilion was down and an hour had passed. It was time to move.