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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Withered Wanderer
Gonyaul’s system fortunately had been strong enough to fight the fever that was trying to claim him after the beating he had received and injuries sustained. Infection did not set in, so he was able to travel when it became necessary to depart. He did require a considerable amount of help in the beginning of their journey.
He literally had nothing left, save his torn up pants. Even the precious jade comb, gifted by Voah, had been lost in the assassination attempt. The loss of that romantic artifact though was second on the list of grief he was dealing with. Foremost was the loss of his relationship with Voah. They were still friendly and even flirtatious at times on their travels through the desert; however, now there was a separation that existed that wasn’t previously there. She was so close, but she felt so far away. This made him very sad, but he carried his burden well enough to function.
What made it even more difficult was Voah was doing such a kind and magnanimous job of nurturing him back to health. Her behavior endeared Gonyaul even more to her and his admiration matured to the next level. He could more clearly see how great a lover and mother she would be one day, even if it didn’t end up being with him.
He continued, to the best of his abilities, his daily meditations and martial exercises. Starting out weak and feeble at the onset of their journey back, but doing better by the end. The trip back was actually much more tolerable compared to their first perilous crossing. Having the caravan and others made it more manageable.
Alexis helped procure him some suitable clothes to wear. It made him miss his style of clothes all the more, especially since all the extra time they had gave him the opportunity to think back to life back home. He was far from home in more ways than just location.
One fond memory he would carry with him out of the second desert traversing was cutting Voah’s hair. While he loved her long hair, its damage was apparent and in need of remedying. The moment they shared giving her a new hairstyle was the most intimate of the trip. Their conversation and tenderness towards each other was saturated with a genuine affection and desire for one another. The tension still unresolved though kept it from spilling over into anything more, but it was still a very special time together.
Gonyaul was more quiet then before the incident in the holy city. In fact he rarely talked unless spoken to first. It seemed he was in a daydream, his mind elsewhere, the majority of the time. His present and optimistic eyes were glazed over; as if he was living a flashback for a month. His hairstyle had changed as well. Half his face was covered strategically by his long black tresses.
Being back at Desdem was a godsend. Meeting new people was a treat. Gonyaul reserved his energy, when able, still feeling quite weak and tired.