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View character profile for: Islana Annora
That Gained, That Left Behind
Emerald eyes glanced out upon the war camp of the Horde, her people. More people were entering the camp each day, it was far more than her mind could have imagined when first venturing out. Perhaps fewer than the Helian forces plus the Inquisition but with the adding Odonine, once they got closer to the city, it would be a formidable fight.
Then there was the magik, the great equalizer. It evened the playing field as the Helian’s had technology. Islana had done her best to give the Priests, her seconds, information on technology the Helian’s had but could only say what she knew.
The wall would be a substantial barrier, but it wasn’t impenetrable. When she had last been in Ostrium it had not been completed. Islana was certain it would surround the city by now. She had worked with a map maker, and given the young woman’s rather good memory, was able to recall everywhere in the Stone City she had been to with great detail, which consisted of a great portion of it. Her insights into the Keep, were far more detailed than what was already known. She didn’t know every inch of the place but, having stayed there, certainly a good portion of it.
The only option was victory as anything else meant death. Not just to her, her people, Shalia, and the Odonine but to all of Arcadia. The Prophetess was convinced of it. With her body, mind, and soul that’s who Islana was now. It was a freedom tethered to a long string.
Being Sister Loctus was certainly a test of one’s mental stamina. The voices that had followed her during the first few days of her rule, had quieted down during her time spent awake. They were still there for advice but it was more a mummer than a yell. At night, when sleep was attempted they would take over the redhead’s mind. An onslaught of memories and visions, many of which had nothing to do with her, would wake the woman repeatedly. Some weren’t necessarily terrible or horrifying but it was unsettling and difficult to get used to. On the rare occasion when sleep was her own, it was filled with nightmares of the hive mind.
It was very much a lonely feeling at times, as there was no one who understood just what she was going through. Not only was there being now attached to something far older than herself and the aftermath of the hive mind attack, but the fact she still missed her friends, despite everything. Alexis and Gonyaul felt very lost to her and it was likely nothing would ever be the same between the three of them again.
Shalia had left to go be with Koshnem. There was no doubt in Islana’s mind that Shalia was a trusted friend. It was a well-earned title. There had not been a good opportunity to tell the older woman about Jiyn. Actually, all Islana really had was a hunch that Jiyn might have been talking about Shalia when he mentioned his wife the day of the attack. Shaila had never said she had been married. It was something the younger woman ran through her mind but there could be time later for such talks.
Before leaving Gra’akast Islana had spent much of her time with Tamazzalt in study to learn what she could in the short time there was to do so. The man was an excellent teacher, something the last Sister made known. There were, of course, matters of state to attend to, which also took up some time. One of those being Islana’s concerns over the girls that had been killed while on the Pilgrimage and that whoever was behind the murders still hadn’t been caught. She left for the Ascendent to deal with the punishments if they caught the criminals but with the understanding that might not happen and knowing the focus on the war was more important.
She would take time every day to visit Madaya but the young girl hadn’t awoken by the time Islana left. It broke her heart to have to say goodbye like that, not knowing really if her adopted little sister would be alive by the time she returned. Islana said prayers to both the Twins for Madaya’s recovery, it was something that continued each night when she was alone.
Breakfast was ready and Islana ate in surprising quiet, usually, there was usually something that needed attending to. With breakfast done and a rare time to herself, it was time to take care of the itch that had been bugging her for days. In the pavilion, standing upright leaning against a trunk was her new bow and arrow. Before leaving Gra’askt, a master weapon’s maker had made her a magnificent bow and arrow set. A war bow, of sorts, light enough that the huntress could still use it with ease but powerful. The arrows were light enough that they wouldn’t break the weapon but with sharp steel tips that could easily penetrate the skin. The bow itself was hand carved with symbols of The Twins, making it go perfectly with the Skara knife.
Behind the pavilion was a practice area of sorts. Not very big but a good size for her and long enough to practice with a bow. Two of the guards followed her, but the young woman had slowly become more accustomed to having guards always around.
The call from the sky, momentarily, stopped Islana who put out her arm to have Kaithak land on it. The falcon usually spent his morning hunting. She said good morning to her feathered companion while continuing to walk to the back. Upon arrival there, Kaithak was handed to one of the guards. The guards thought nothing of holding him now and Kaithak was quite used to them as well, though the bird’s loyalty was forever with Islana.
This bow was different than the type she had been used to, but Islana had taken to it rather quickly. She got into a stance and began warming up before trying a few more difficult shots. If anyone needed her, the Sister was easy enough to find.