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View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
The Old Crew Finale
The trek home had been quiet as they ventured through the dark, each shuffle of their loot making them wonder when a beast would lunge.
Tarmen enjoyed the silence, thinking over his choice through the journey.
It wasn’t until they had reached their favorite bar that he finally made his decision as it devolved just like any other success, the crew spending most of their personal cut on liquor and bodies amidst several brawls.
Tarmen himself had paid for his regular, a fiery spirit with skin mottled like the young of many creatures in Kru’ll. With such an exotic pattern, she had become quite popular and Tarmen enjoyed often stealing her away from other men just to watch them fume. What drew him to her from the start though was seeing what happened when a client went too far.
Tonight however, she only sat on his lap as he watched the others revel, enjoying the sensation of her stroking his hair.
“Why do you mope tonight, love? Even with your worst hauls, you would have already had me in bed by now.”
Hearing her soft, rich voice brought him out of his stewing enough to find his voice. She was the only one that knew of his doubts and she deserved to know what he had planned.
“Set on leavin’ Lelah. Still not sure if it’s the right idea or just a childish idea of wantin’ more like the boy though.”
By this point anyone who could hear the cheers knew Lu’nep had felt Zin’s kiss, leading to the usual drinks in his name and various stories that may or may not have happened. Lelah kept running her fingers along his head as she spoke with a joking nature.
“Can’t say I won’t miss your coin, but if you feel stuck, then you just might be. Maybe you don’t cut ties completely? Keep in touch so you have some allies here… and so you can keep paying me when you come through.”
This was the first time she had presented some kind of solution, catching him off guard and getting the gears turning at the same time. He chuckled at her jab before playfully pinching her side.
“Admit it, you’ll miss seein’ me leave your bedside. Besides, you’ve learned too much for me not to keep tabs on you.”
leaving his dour thoughts behind as the two laughed, he formulated a plan that might work for everyone, mostly him. Finishing his drink, he suddenly turned to her with a softness in his features as he played with a few strands of her auburn hair.
“Why not come with me? Why settle for me payin’ for you if you could share my full earnin’s instead?”
She chuckled sadly at his offer, cupping his chin with a peck on his nose.
“My sweet killer, you know just as I that it wouldn’t work. This is my home and you are not one to settle down. We would murder each other in a year.”
Tarmen sighed, knowing she was right deep down, but he couldn’t deny he had grown fond of her and the mix of drink and doubt only enhanced those thoughts. It was true though, in the end he couldn’t see himself as a ‘family man’. He probably already had some imps running around the burgh and the thought of wasting his hard earned loot on them was uncomfortable.
The return to stewing was apparently was clear as day, since Lelah shook her head with another laugh.
“Instead of thinking of such sad things, why not we celebrate? After all, you have the most beautiful woman in all of Trenian’s Burgh in your arms and yet my clothes are still on!”
This time her infectious cheer finally banished the clouds, as it did everytime she was around without fail. Tarmen decided to be swept away with it, scooping Lelah over his shoulder to the cheers of his comrades and marching up to her room.
After the festivities, Tarmen sat with Traps at the base going over their loot. The money used tonight would be reimbursed with what Mathias could sell the pieces for, which was pretty light given they had become a man short.
Tarmen had waited for this moment to tell the news, a moment he wanted just between him and his second.
“I’m headin’ out Traps. To the border.”
This had the man stop in his own thoughts with a hoarse cough. He wore his disbelief plainly as he spoke.
“Not sure I heard you boss. You’re leaving us?”
Tarmen stood from his seat wearily, unsure if he could convince the man of his plan.
“Not at all. Today proved somethin’ to me. We need to branch out, get some scores outside of the burgh. I want you to lead the crew here though.”
There was that skeptical look the man had been hired for, a glare that seemed to pierce the soul. He didn’t say anything for a few moments, only looked into the unwavering eyes of his boss as if Tarmen would eventually crack.
Tarmen guessed he passed when a grin spread across Traps crooked lips.
“Never though’ you’d be alive when I got that office of yours.”
He clapped Tarmen on the shoulder, then brought him into a hug that Tarmen reciprocated. When he tried to let go however, his second held on with an odd strength.
“Be well boss. I’ll make sure the others understand.”
Then he let go, the two getting back to work without another word on the matter, although Tarmen was left grateful for Traps’s ever cool demeanor.
After he left, Tarmen packed up some supplies for his departure, then sat in his chair to enjoy his office one last time.