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View character profile for: Islana Annora
Things in A Day
Islana took her leave of Hedrink to report to work at the butcher. The butcher was easy enough work, though particularly busier than most times she had worked there before. The increase in production made her aware something was about to happen; possibly military.
After several hours of work, Islana’s shift ended leaving her to walk home in the darkness of the evening. She wasn’t walking alone but with a few of the others that had worked at the butcher’s that day. A few decided to stop at The Drunken Hare for dinner and perhaps a bit of ale or some other brew.
As the group walked into the bar, Islana stayed behind and when they were all in the door, besides, herself. She greeted the old man by the door but not just the old man. Moving so she was knelt down, she reached out gently and petted the rabbit the man held. The rabbit moved his head into her hand and the soft fur felt good against Islana’s hand.
The interaction took only a moment but it was long enough to refocus the young woman. She stood back up and made her way into the bar. It was still fairly early enough in the evening that real trouble makers wouldn’t be here yet. Islana ordered some stew and ale and sat down near the other workers from the butcher.
Going through her silent ritual of thanking the animal and then eating more than talking. She finished her food and then headed back to her, at least for now, home. Once home and ready she curled into bed and fell fast asleep.
With the sun peaking just inside her window, Islana awoke, Today she wouldn’t be going to the butcher or the tanner. Today she was headed some place else. Breakfast consisted of bread, a piece of hard cheese from yesterday. She ate then, got ready. Taking her bag, bow and quiver full of arrows she head out to her the destiation where she had been summoned. The edge of the city, just past the wall. Where the milita was drilling.