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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
The Case for the Sovereign Individual: Part 1
When it came time to spare, the children were given a scenario where 'they were being attacked by someone in the Inquisition'. Gonyaul, having been late, got the privilege of pretending to be the zealot. His role was to do his best to tackle and physically subdue his opponent. Orohc Vandwln instructed him not to use Vauxian martial arts, instead just to go for typical grabs and holds. When he was also handed some extra padding to wear, Gonyaul realized he might be getting rather up close and personal with the floor; the new material that day had been a type of throw technique. Fortunately, this platform had a specially designed layer of padding to aid in the training.
Standing in the center of the sparring space, Gonyaul would wait patiently for the next peer to be called into the ring by the instructor. They would bow in respect to one another and then begin. One after the other, Gonyaul would end up getting hoisted off the ground, after a series of grips that redirected him off balance and inevitability sent him flying or tumbling to the ground. With his limbs being as tired as they were from earlier, he actually was taken down with ease which was beneficial for the others to implement the new movements; even the smallest present, Myrcelni (a young girl only 9 years old) managed to launch him using the new techniques.
Gonyaul actually was enjoying himself, learning on the receiving end of the move. He was already drawing up a mental picture of how he would successfully execute the technique when it became his turn. In addition, each time he hit the ground he got a brief moment to rest before having to get back up. However, it all came to a halt when Rruelyn (the strongest and oldest of the bunch at 13) launched Gonyaul and added an extra move at the end which caused Gonyaul to get the wind knocked out of him in the way he landed.
Orohc Vandwln immediately stopped the sparring with a single clap of his hands. All the young pupils quickly moved to their places around the perimeter of the ring and sat back on their heels at full attention to their instructor; order and stillness was instantly restored. Gonyaul wheezed in a fetal position and rolled off to the side, where Myrcelni helped him get back up and join the others. Orohc Vandwln moved over to Gonyaul and looked him in the eye. He tilted his head forward and his expression asked if he was alright. Gonyaul nodded as he was catching his breath. Orohc Vandwln signed back <Good lad.>
All eyes were on their instructor as he addressed Rruelyn. His hands moved quickly as he signed; Vandwln was as 'faster' talker than most. <Rruelyn, why did you add that extra pivot with your right foot and upwards thrust with your left elbow when you made the throw?>
Rruelyn responded respectfully. <Orohc Vandwln, I thought the addition would be better because not only would it throw them further away, but could also end the fight.>
Vandwln agreed. <You are correct that it could potentially end the fight. If young Gonyaul was not trained to hit the ground so well, he could have landed poorly and been knocked unconscious. But that was not what you were instructed to perform. Furthermore, it was an unnecessary move. The prescribed move would have taken a lesser pugilist outside the range of being a threat and provided ample opportunity to gain a tactical advantage. I am curious why you decided to do more to your opponent than was appropriate for BOTH your safety?>
Rruelyn was quick to defend his choice. <He represents the monstrous Inquisition, is there not just cause for taking further action?>
Orohc Vandwln paused. Only the sounds of the creatures throughout the canopy could be heard making a racket off in the distance. The long pause had Rruelyn questioning if he had given the wrong answer, his confidence waning. He finally spoke to the children, <Rruelyn raises an interesting point. Is there just cause for taking further action against someone of the Inquisition? Are they ALL indeed monstrous?>