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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver
”Alright then, listen up, everyone.”
Seoras stood amongst them, one food upon a small barrel.
“We’re tasked to put the heat on our esteemed Torjan neighbours. As in, we’re going to have their beloved pine trees burn.”
he grinned.
There was of plethora of reactions to that revelation, ranging from gleeful grins among most of his newly recruits to slight confusion and downright irritation among those who had been with the Wulvers for longer.
Seoras raised his hands.
“I know, I know. Not very exiting. But it pays well for minimum effort and it will pull their attention, making way for more opportunities in the near future. So who are we to complain?”
The murmurs died down and the band leader continued.
“So, plan is as follows. I’ll take five and the rest will split up in groups of four, each taking a few caskets of incendiary, and positioning themselves at a designated point in the woods, not too far from the treeline. When the time comes, a few hours before sunrise, we’ll set fire. They’ll have a lot of trouble to deal with so many seats of fire at once, giving us plenty of room to draw back and gather.
My group’ll be the one to set the initial fire, and that’ll serve as a signal for the rest of you. So you are all to assign someone on the lookout for that. Got that? Great. So, groups are as follows…”
In the end the division itself have deep insight into the current state of the Wulvers. Seoras quite blatantly put the older and probably more bothersome members into groups that were positioned on the far side from where his group would be working. The message was clearly received.
All in all Seoras had singled out the eight mercs most faithful to the old Wulvers way. The two groups left together, being sent out into roughly the same direction.
They were hardly out of sight of the camp when they came to a stop as if they had agreed to without a word spoken.
“I’ve… had enough.”
Brennan said darkly.
There was a moment of silence. No need to question what he meant.
“It might be time to cut ties while there’s still a sliver of my self esteem left.”
The announcement was met with somber nods. Clearly, Brennan wasn’t leaving on his own.
Alexis was looking back into the direction of the camp with a dark expression. Iain led his horse next to hers.
“You are not done.”
he observed. Old man knew her too well.
She turned to look at him.
“… can’t shake the feeling this…
she knocked on the casket with incendiary for emphasis.
“… isn’t even all there is to it. I’ve just this… really bad hunch about it.”
“And you are not going to leave it alone.”
Again it was just a statement, this time accompanied by a smirk.
“I’m with you.”
Marsili grinned.
“So am I. Might as well make our departure memorable, aye?“
She had no idea how tight she would be.