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View character profile for: Sir Eudon Zane
Men of faith and men of steel
The Golden Bee - Orb
From the outside the Inn looks impressive, cheerful and ostentatious. Timber and intricate stone carvings make up most of the building's outer structure.
It's hard to see through the large, stained glass windows, but the merriment from within can be heard outside.
As one enters the tavern through the huge, hardwooden door, they're welcomed by a sense of relaxation and cheerful singing. The bartender is working up a sweat, but still manages to welcome patrons with a wave and a smile
It's as engaging inside as it is on the outside. Hardwooden beams support the upper floor and the large candlerabra attached to them. The walls are decorated with historical paintings of Salos capital, in different time periods.
The tavern itself is packed. Artists, bohemians and some minor nobles, seem to be the primary clientele here. Several long tables are occupied by happy, excited groups of people, some are dancing, while others cheer them on with clapping and singing. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who seem to be close with the owner, though they happily welcome others among their midst. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.
Sir Zane had heard about this Inn, supposedly famous for its honey spiced mead. Though judging by the music and how many people are enjoying themselves he can imagine It's more than just the booze that makes this place somewhat famous.
A few of the patrons look on his direction with surprise. Knights are not usual found here but he pays them no heed as he finds the man he comes to see, sitting in a table by the fireplace.
Friar Jassin Balvaris is sitting with another robed man obviously of os own order. Both wear the light blues garments of the order of Kupen. The Friar appears to be around his own age. Tall, slim and clean shaven.
He smiles at the aprocaching Knight and him and his companion rise in greetings.
"You must be Sir Eudon Zane." He says offering a seat between the two.
"This is Tar. One of the acolytes joining us in our voyage to newlands."