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View character profile for: Wim Riese
Dateline: Lumber yard - Lowood - Ostiarum
Wim shouted to the driver to stop, but like most people the man ignored the young noble as he had a delivery to make. So Wim did what any respectable person would do he picked up the crate. He was careful not to shake it because if it was glass, then it would be broken from the fall. If it was a crate of wine, it might be okay as the bottles are thicker. His luck it would be a crateful of snakes.
He recovered it from the street asking a couple passers by if they knew who’s the teamster was hauling that load. He did not get a helpful response.
He had three options. One leave the crate on the side of the road as it was not his problem. Two carry the crate trying to follow the teamser. This seemed like to much work. The final option was to take the crate to his place and post notices at the taverns and the watch. No need being branded a thief and even worse treated as a thief. He might be a cheat, but he was not a common thief. He desided to take the crate to the Brewry. He would ask the Brewmaster to be the middle man since he had a good reputation. Wim left the box wrapped
The Brewmaster snorted and pointed at the carpenter who was starting to work on framing. Wim was starting to think that Master Sadir and the Brewmaster were assigning him to every menial job in this project. It was working at keeping him on the straight and narrow as by the end of the day he was tired.
Master Grizek was one of the stone Masson foremen from the wall project. He cam around a few times, barked orders, called people names then went away. He had the pull about a three foot section of stones and had the crew restock it. Wim could not see a difference but noticed how the workers got tense when he showed up. He had three apprentices who tended to complain a lot.
Master Malber, the woodworker, had one apprentices and was more into teaching his apprentice how to do the job.
Mater Grizek wanted to get his people back to the walls. That was where the real money was. Grizek wasn’t so rushed as most of the building season was over and if he could string the job out he could be paid for months. Master Sadir changed that dynamics with a short conversation about the new mill.
After a day or to Wim had to pry open the chest to see what was inside. He prayed it was not live animals.